I have just come home from visiting my daughter who is a rep in Turkey for a very large UK holiday company, to say i was shocked at what she actually had to do, the hours she had to put in is an understatment
Most people have the same idea that your holiday rep is there to have a good time, fleece you out of your money for trips etc
I would like to give you a little insight to what your rep actually does
On first meeting your rep at the airport he/she has probably just had an hours sleep they will have been working in there hotels quite possibly between 3/6 hotels each rep and will have already worked between 8/14 hours before they pick guests up from hotels to take them back to the airport for departure. After checking in there guests and saying goodbye they then wait for the next plane of guests, then procede to take the new guests to resort/hotel this can take between 4/5 hours of checking in guests and awaiting the arrival of new guests fingers crossed your flight has not been delayed, after dropping off the very last guest they then try to get home and if they are lucky grab another few hours sleep before they attend your welcome/information meeting ( my daughter was thrilled she actually had 4 hrs sleep in 24 hrs its normally 1 or 2 sometimes they have not slept in 36 hrs
Welcome/Information Meeting
They will have been at your hotel/apartment an hour or so before your meeting to sort out everything needed for your meeting, now this is where they usually tell you about booking trips, generally tell you about your hotel the area etc, this is where your rep will try to make some money for themselves but the going rate is generally 2% commission ( not a great deal is it) so yes they do try to sell the trips but they dont make a great deal of money on selling us trips (have actually heard people say well the rep gets a good cut of the charges for trips booked with them 2% i dont think is a good cut)
If you have a complaint your rep will try his/her hardest to sort it out for you as soon as possible if he/she cant sort it they will then forward it on to his/her head rep if they cant sort it out for you its then passed on to the manager and thats generally where the book stops its up to the manager to then sort it out, please dont think your rep is not trying to sort your problem out as he/she is doing everything in there power to sort it out for you but if the manager cant or wont sort the problem out its then up to your rep to tell you and this is generally where we get mad at the rep but please believe me he/she has tried every possible angle to sort the problem out for you
Its an easy job and a great life being a rep... ok yes they are working in the country you have just chosen to have a holiday in but did you know that your rep is paid after tax etc 80 pence an hour yes 80 pence, they may if they are lucky live in the hotel usually more likely they have a room like a broom closet with no air conditioning they can at times work up to 48 hours with no sleep, they get 2% commission on trips they sell to us and if they are unfortunate to have hotels with distance between oneanother they also have to pay out of there own pocket any travel expenses, also any calls made on your behalf they have to pay out of there own money
I'm not trying to make you feel sorry for the reps they love doing there job but maybe just take a little time to get to know your rep they really appreciate you stopping by and having a chat and also when your on your flight home try and fill in the questionaire they hand you as it does have a little bit about your rep and if they do get good comments they get to keep there job next season

Also your holiday rep would be grateful for leftover shampoos, conditioners etc as they dont normally have much money LOL