review added to the section though as its taken me so long to get round to its right down in june
buenos noches(sp)
I too saw the package holidays uncovered and would agree with you 100% about being ripped off First choice had no right sending anyone there when they new full well that the complex was no where near ready and I hope that anyone who had the misfortune to go has managed to get suitable compensation.
However I Strongly dissagree with your comment with regards to the Holiday Village costa del sol we went for 2 weeks at the end of June beggining of July and we booked also because of what we read on the holiday truths discussion forum and review section and we had a great time.
The Holiday Village on the costa del sol was by no means perfect but NO way would it deserve to be mentioned on package holidays uncovered.
I know we all have the right to our own opinions but sorry i think you are wrong to advise other people to contact this programme.
I'm glad you had a good time but from a self catering point of view there are flaws in the package offered by FC (location, supermarket costs with daily increases) and from what I've read this year the AI (which is obviously not all inclusive) is on a decline. If people are saving for a year and spending a great deal of money on a 4 star hotel they should expect a 4 star holiday. If enough people feel thats not what they have got, FC need to made aware and if thats through the media I don't see a problem. However, that said we all have different opinions which is what makes this site worthwhile. Tucky
what do you mean by the AI not being all inc?
We went in June and didnt really pay for any extra's

The food, drink, mini golf, activities etc were free, what have others been paying for? thanks

With this in mind and as we're going with a positive attitude, I'm sure we'll have a fantastic time! I'm sure the positives will far outweigh the negatives, after all who has eva been on a holiday and everyting has been 100% perfect. Some people arne't happy unless they're unhappy!

I'll post my findings on our return.
Em xxxx
P.S. Thanks to you all for answering my many questions ova the past few weeks as they have popped into our heads, they have certainly helped!!!!
Hi, really don't want to get into a running battle but the hotel review section details several unhappy AI guests especially around June of this year, the terms rip off and not all inclusive used. I truly believe the HV could be a great holiday destination for all who stay there if FC listen to opions to get it right. A courtesy bus for the self catering or a fairer priced supermarket could make a world of diffrence, more staff on the bars fairer advertising as to what AI includes could be a start. Tucky
Just arrived home from HV this afternoon and am delighted to report that we had a great time. However, we did not use the hotel pool (most sunbeds gone by around 8 30 am) or the outside entertainment in the evening. The Beach Club was excellent and did not open until 10 am therefore no-one could go down with towels last thing at night or first thing in the morning. The terrace outside the Piano Bar was where we tended to sit in the evening and it was very relaxing.
There was one protest by locals while we were there and apparently the police had to be called. We did not know anything about it until we overheard someone talking about it next morning.
Overall we had a great holiday, although it did start to get busy this week. My children would fly back today if they could.
I will write a full report for the review section when I get the washing unpacked!
To everyone going - I hope you enjoy the HV and take it as you find it.

the bus idea is a good one, perhaps you could write to FC telling them, otherwise they cant improve things if they are not aware..............xx
1/ is it true that you cant lock the room doors from the inside
2/ were is the best place to hire a car from
3/ how much do they charge at HV for parking
In terms of car hire, we didn't bother but I spoke to a few people who arranged it with the reception and they seemed quite happy. I don't know if there was a charge for the car park - sorry.
Hope you have a great time.

4 Star - you gotta be kidding, more like 3 star and that's pushing it.
Food - buffet, lukewarm, mexican appalling, italian not so bad, but then its hard to go wrong with pizza and pasta.
Location - terrible, nowhere to walk to, you are confined to HV, we took a bus to Benalmadena which was even worse, more akin to Blackpool in the sun except Blackpool is cleaner.
Drinks - watered down vodka, we put some in our freezer and it froze like a slushy.....alcohol does not freeze.
Sunbeds - if you want one after 8.30am you have to go to Beach club (which is better overall anyway than hotel pools)
Queues - we have spent 50% of our holiday in a queue waiting for a drink or snack.
Irish bar - like a youth club with rowdy underage drinkers (but hey if they're not bothering their parents what do they care?)
Lifts - kids running riot on floors, messing about in lifts, pressing all the buttons so lift never arrives or gets stuck....but again what do the parents care as long as the kids aren't bothering them).
Weather - brilliant
Benalmadena Peublo - take a taxi up there, about 8 euros, a beautiful whitewashed Spanish village. We had our best meal and best night out up there.
We made two requests to speak to 'Frank' the hotel manager with a promise he would contact us....guess what, we never heard from him and by the end of the week we were past caring and thankful to come home.
One of the main problems is a lack of information of what you can have on AI from which bar, you can use this bar at night but not in the day, no menus at snack bar, you have to guess what you can have.
I could go on....but in short, would i go back? not even if you paid me.
A basic three star complex with 2 star guests, I guess in this case you certainly don't get what you pay(what you do get is Butlins in the sun) and we'll be sticking the carribbean from now on (which we could have gone to for another £300!)
Sorry to be so negative but based on the reviews on here I was sure we would have a brilliant time, just shows, one mans heaven is another mans hell.
In total agreement Bennylou, thanks for backing up all I said previously. As this is a forum for truth I can't understand why everyone who says anything negative about HV(of which there are many) get shot down for being too fussy or the 'type of holidaymsker who are never satisfied'. This is just not true. I am extremely happy on holidays if I get what I pay for and , in my opinion, the HV is not value for money and I will never visit any of the HV with FC.

we have been back about 6 weeks now and my daughter is driving me nuts about the CD for the mini disco that i promised to buy her and forgot. Does anyone where i can get one, plus with us booking up next year for the holiday village Majorca she can be fluent with all the words etc and so unfortunately will i be, proberbly!!
has no one hired a car whilst at hv, if so were is the best place to hire from and what do hv charge to park and can anyone tell me if their are kettles in the rooms.
Happy hols
p.s Yes there are kettles and a microwave in the rooms
Tivoli World shouldn't be missed and it's much cheaper if you have your own transport to get you there and don't have to book a trip thru the reps.
Caught the bus to benelmadena, then taxi costing 10 euro's to tivoli world.
Taxi back to the hv was 10 euro, from tivoli world itself, they wait outside.

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