spain , the resort rep made a comment about knowing where people come from by the way they dressed . I think that said it all for me .
But i admire the French / spanish / italian ladies who look perfect at the breakfast table, make up hair all in place .
where did i go wrong


I will have to stop reading this at work the tears are running down my face with laughter. Boss thinks I've lost the plot

Sorry but you and the muffin top was what started me off.

This must be the best topic the HT has ever covered


I only knew what it was because Gok mentioned it this week on "how to look good naked "
Yes Glynis, that was the plan I just thought it must be the latest must have accessory for the 'Can you tell I'm British ? ' lady & was about to dash out and buy one.
When I stand, my muffin top stops my knees and feet from burning in the midday sun!
Glynis HT Admin wrote:I'd like one muffin top, and a set of of bingo wings please

It's a good job we carry them around with us, we'd all be charged excess baggage for them otherwise!
nuttysam wrote:I have to own up also.....I didn't know what it meant until I saw "how to look good naked".............at least its not another accessory I have to squash in my suitcase......I'll squash mine into my trousers instead.
You dont have to stuff your muffin top into your trousers just buy the magic knickers


My problem is constipation and water retention, which always lingers for the first 3 days of the hols. I dont know what it is about travelling, but it does not seem to agree with me. In Tenerife in feb, I took some lovely fitted trousers, but could not wear them as my stomach was so bloated, and my new trendy heeled shoes were too tight becasue my feet were all puffed up

I find that if I drink more water the bloating eases, however, I try not to drink absolutely freezing water because that seems to make the bloating worse and can make me gassy (I have never married - I wonder why!!!).
make the bloating worse and can make me gassy (I have never married - I wonder why!!!).

One of my friends is overweight and she wears loose fitting linen trousers and a loose over top and looks really smart and says she feels much cooler. I have to agree - loose is best on holidays - you don't get 'wet patches' under your boobs etc

Another thing I can't do is find sunglasses that suit me. I look like a spaced out bluebottle. With some people sunglasses make their outfit and they look brilliant. They sweep them up onto their heads for the San Tropez and look lovely - mine just make my hair look a mess.
I noticed you said you wear mascara when on holiday, swimming etc......................if you really feel the need to wear it you'd be better off wearing a waterproof one so that it doesn't run down your cheeks. But really, to look really chic it's much better not to wear mascara at all - it looks a little 'overdone' by the pool or beach.
If you have very fair eyelashes the best thing to do is to dye them dark brown or black (it lasts about 4 weeks) and it looks much more natural. You can curl them too if you want to open up your eyes - and that way you don't need to worry about getting them wet.
I never bother with make-up during the day on holiday (it melts in the sun anyway

For hair I find a french plait or chignon always looks elegant - and it keeps you cool too. If you want to lengthen your legs a pair of summer wedges look far better than flip-flops, and if you do feel bare without jewellery then a plain white or yellow simple gold bracelet/necklace and earings can look quite chic.
A good quality beachbag is a must - a cheap one will spoil the whole look; and good quality sunglasses are worth investing in too. And whether you wear a bikini or swimsuit always go for the best brand you can afford - one with good support if you are big-busted, or one which emphasises your best parts and detracts from your least favourite parts. A sunhat is important too to complete the look - and is quite necessary too when walking around.
I think three-quarter trousers are horrid - they make everyone look like they have very short legs, and can look ridiculous on the the wrong person.
But I think ultimately chci-looking people have very good deportment and they walk and sit gracefully - which makes them look stylish anyway.
By the way, your Primark trousers which now look unreputable......you don't fancy sending them to me do you? I'm very unreputable!

It's the shabby chic in the evenings that I can't get right somehow - although previously explained as probably not buying the right quality of gear or accessories. I think most of us want to get that not-dressed-up but still looking nice thing that these continental ladies do so well...............

Less, is definitely more.
Is it still big? Having a quick google round it seems so, but I also heard something about Rayban styles making a comeback.
Help me out folks cos I'm gonna invest in some new ones this year and might even pay more than a fiver (or free with a magazine).
See, my last ones which were prescription (okay so they were free with a pair of glasses but still..........) which were worth more I was having a photographic session on our gulet and two of us were messing around, flicking our hair around and posing, which resulted in my glasses flying off my head and plopping into the (very deep) water. And really is it worth the rigmarole of claiming no insurance for just that (probably had an excess that I didn't take much notice of either).
So this is why I don't like to spend a lot on these types of articles. They get sat on, lost at sea, left on tables etc.

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