And that is exactly what I have done, I'm not going to say I was ill, when I was not and never have been.
I'm not going to say people were ill, when they were not and neither am I going to say the hotel is dirty, when again it is not.
Each person has their own standard of hygiene and expectations, and I just say what I experience.
It's just as simple as that, I really would be disappointed that anyone on this forum would think that I wouldn't tell it "as it is", (as I see it at the time) and if there was anything detrimental to report, then I would, I owe nobody nothing.!
Jaysus, I've got into trouble more times, for doing just that, so I've been thinking lately that maybe life would be easier if I took the option to go with the flow in future.
Sanji .. I'm not really sure that I understand the relevance of much of your post in relation to what I said.
I was trying to make the point that whilst there may be a higher volume of discussion over the years about illness at this hotel compared to any others in Benidorm, that in itself does not prove or confirm anything.
Most acknowledge that a bug has been present at the hotel at various periods over several years, but opinions may differ as to its origins or source. That is because members are only offering their own personal opinions or experiences of the situation, which they are entitled to do. No one is expressing a professional or expert opinion, but each regards their personal views as a valid and accurate reflection of the situation, irrespective of whether they believe the origins or source of infection lie within the hotel or elsewhere.
As I said, a travel law solicitor has recently gone public with a statement suggesting that the hotel is the source of infection, but we do not know at this stage what evidence there may be to substantiate that claim.