we are going on holiday in a couple of weeks time for 14 nights, this time we have had our new cat to think about. we got her last october and she has settled in just great. we have arranged for her to be looked after by the couple who own and run the sanctuary where we got her from. it's lovely, they are both lovely, they have a seperate area for holiday boarding with double glazing, heating, radios, t.v's so they still have familiar noises etc, its more than adequate and i know she will be very well looked after...i just cant seem to shake a feeling of guilt about leaving her, which is daft as we had another cat before this one, and we always left him under the same circumstances and he was fine, apart from the last time we did it- he died 3 weeks after we returned from a fortnights holiday and i felt terrible, he was ill anyway for a long time beforehand, but even so... i guess i am just looking for a little reassurance that i am not a bad pet owner and she won't hate us for leaving her