just back from tonights meet. .. it was great to welcome two new HT'ers ...Patsy and her daughter, their first time in Goa... and they said they really enjoyed the night and i dont think they were fibbing as they were the last to leave
Great to see some new 'old' faces too... Goangirll and O/H i think we first met at an HT meet about 5 years ago!!! was it that long?? not sure... but anyway as ever a great 'get together' but we missed Split and o/h

and Jantie and O/H wo couldnt make it as they were going to a farewell party... and great service as ever from Ram and the boys...
we were sorry to be saying tara to Daveswife and Dave as they go home anyday now ... she is a scream!!! had me laughing all night!! she swears that when she gets home she isnt coming on this forum thread till the season end cos she will be too jeallous!! hehe
Oh by the way some of us go to a quiz on MOnday nights and this week our team (made up of HT'ers) WON!!!

we are known as the toerags!! and we also won the play your cards bit at the end that the winning team get to do... and got the jackpot...

900 rps and a bottle of gin....

we are the champions..
Edited by
2010-01-14 05:43:40