Sorry about the earlier rant.
Here in Spain 40% of the population smoke. That of course leaves 60% that don't, but the vast majority of non-smokers couldn't care less about smoking or non-smoking areas in bars and restaurants. In fact, I would say that a good many of them are as upset as the smokers to see these places only a quarter full.
Only a tiny minority of non-smokers fall into the 'fanatic' category, but unfortunately these people seem to think that they should dictate what appropriate behavior is for everybody else.
It is usually the British who have been brainwashed into believing that being in a smoking area will somehow affect their health, and it is the British on this and other forums that arrogantly demand that all public places are smoke free, regardless of the fact that they probably live a thousand miles away, and only occasionally, if ever, visit. Then to justify their childish beliefs they post links to websites that back up their claims, as if there are none that dispute them!
It is always the British that will come into bars that legally allow smoking, and then sit pretending to cough whilst fanning imaginary wisps of smoke away from themselves. Perhaps when the price of food, drink and hotel rooms increase to make up for the loss of revenue, these people may realize how shortsighted they have been, but I doubt it!
Yes, in Spain children drink alcohol So what?
Half a glass of wine with a meal does not mean the end of civilization as we know it. They also are allowed to accompany adults in bars, where perhaps they learn that alcohol can be enjoyed sensibly. More than can be said for the holiday makers and the Irish St. Patrick's Day celebrators.
And if on one night of the year they decide to go out and get wobbly?.....Well, then they learn what a hangover is as well!