Hi everyone,time to return after a 3 year absence.
Smiles on face reading this forum after so long.
Seems that all the niggles are still in place.
Happy to see the beautiful River Princess is still intact (is it still getting moved shortly)
Struggling with visa application can anyone answer a few questions please .
Is it better to take application to Manchester office or just post to Hayes with special delivery.
If posting is Hayes office the main one for postal applications
I have not booked yet,waiting for better prices for march so I presume I can apply for the visa before booking holiday if so then what are the indian 2 references I put down.
Am I right in thinking you fill in the online form, send it electronically and then print off the copy of the application and declaration and send that too.
Pretty much confused and want to get it right first time
Everything seems to change year in year out
Never seen as much protocal
If I didnt need the dentist then I think it would be back to Cancun
Pay for the visa when you leave the country in cash and everyones happy.
In the words of the famous meerkat Simpleees
Can I put the wife on the application or would I need to fully complete another form .
Sorry for so many questions.