Greece and other Greek Island Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in Greece and other Greek Islands.
roller coaster
1908 Posts
Hi, We are due to travel out To KABC on 26th July. We are just sitting tight until our holiday is cancelled, ooh sorry I mean, we are just sitting tight until we know whether our hols are to be cancelled ( why do I feel so sceptical ???? ). By the way we consists of myself, hubby, 2 children ( 7 & 6 ) and my in laws. The holiday was booked last April as a surprise for my father in laws 60th ( lucky man doesn't know a thing about all the trouble we are having !! ). I have been to the agents we booked with who I must say have been fantastic, we must remember that they are just being fed whatever information head office want them to know, they have advised me to hold on a little while longer because we would have to pay any extra cost to transfer to a more expensive holiday ( the only ones left! ) whereas if we leave it FC will pick up the tab if and when the resort does get pulled. I just hope that each and every one of us has a satisfactory conclusion to this very sorry episode. Good luck everyone and please all keep your fingers crossed for those of us who haven't transfered or cancelled our holidays.......yet.

Please copy this post across to the next pages so that all members can read the link.

hi baily just to let you no that me and my family go on the 13th sept. from my calculations you should be either packed to go home or you will be getting ready to go home :hmmm we were on the verge of changing it as we dont think it will be up and running 100% but our travel agent advised us to wait untill 1st of july just to see if fc can keep there word if anyone is going to kos can you pop down and have a look to see the out come and report it back to us that have to wait :thanks
Hi Lisa, You had a long time of not knowing what was happening. I hope you have a fabulous time on your re-scheduled holiday. Maybe I will pop back next year for a short break. If we end up going there in August I'll make up my mind then! It's a case of watch this space at the moment isn't it? Fingers crossed everyone!
Well guys its time to put away my lists and say goodbye to the KABC forum, its been great getting to know lots of you, (I will still stay in touch with those whos email and MSN addies I have as it be nice to hear about your replacement holidays), boy have we had a rollercoaster ride or what eh? Im now looking forward to my new holiday in CDS Holiday Village which is only 25 days away.

I will still check back from time to time to hear your storys of your wonderful holidays to KABC (I think you will all be fine from 5th July onwards - fingers crossed) and maybe even see a few of you on this forum again next year.

Big big thanks to SP55 without you we would have never have realised how bad the building progress was. Thank to Ajenkins who provided us with the Holiday Hit Squad contact details and thanks to Kathy, Glynis HT administrators who have kept me on the straight and narrow lol

Wherever you may be going this year have a great holiday!!!!!!!!


MichellefromEssex xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

:D :wave
Hi Michelle i'm sure we will all miss your informative posts.

Hi Michelle,

I second all the people you have thanked in your post, but a big thank you goes to you as well, for producing all the fantastic lists (don't know where you get the time!) and keeping spritis high - your bubbly personality has made this forum. :wink:

Have a fantastic holiday and to all others who have rescheduled to other countries.

Maybe we will see you one day in Kos Aqua Beach Club - I will keep looking for those first all important reviews, when the hotel finally opens!

.....Well its goodbye from her...and goodbye from me!

I will also watch the forum for pictures of KABC and will return this time next year to see what is going on as I am going to KABC on the 23rd May 2007.

I will keep in touch with all of my new found friends, and if you want to pm me or add me to your msn messenger feel free!!!

Its been fun!!

Hi gina m.we will hopefully have had our holiday at the KABC and will be flying home on the 13th. will just have to sit tight and see what 1st july brings. :bhead
Just joined "holidaytruths" to find out about KABC - we are supposed to be going in mid-August - still not sure whether we will go or whether we will cancel.

Have exchanged numerous telephone conversations and letters with FC - regarding the various changes they have made to our accommodation, etc. - this is despite having booked last July to get the accommodation, etc. that we wanted. Have not been satisifed at all with FC and have serious doubts about going. FC have continually told me that the development will be finished in time.

Can someone just give me a brief update on the current position - from reading a few messages it would appear that the development is still not finished.

Many thanks.
Still not finished yet, but I think they will pull out all stops now after the bad publicity.

I am confident it will be ready - I go 9th August.

It is not worth worrying about, still a long way till 1st July.
On Friday I spent 6 hours in FC trying to sort out this mess and got nowhere because of the July 1st rule!! I have just spent another 1 1/2 hours in Fc trying to find out if there is any news or developments and NOTHING ( I intend to do this every day until SOMETHING is resolved ). I also enquired about the possibility of transfering my holiday to another and have remembered why I book my holidays on the day the new brochure comes out!! They are so expensive, everything is working out at least £1500 - £3500 more expensive than I paid and very often that is for self catering which we aren't financially prepared for at all. Also we have booked 10 days ( perfect for us ) and lo and behold there are no 10 day holidays left so they are expecting me to go somewhere I don't really want to and for longer that I want to go and pay a premium for the privilidge.

If the KABC opens in July and I get to go as planned great but I expect it to have ALL the facilities up and running otherwise there is little point to going in the first place. I want what I have paid my cash for - simple as that.

Sometimes I feel quite positive ( like earlier - see above ) and just go with the flow and other times I feel like ripping my hair out ( like now! ). I suppose everyone is feeling the same I just don't see a way round the fact that I have no other money to add to this holiday so it looks like unless FC agree to pay the difference we are not going anywhere this year. Reading this forum there are so many different experiences as to how Fc are treating people, some pay and some don't - there is no science to it. I have been told that Fc have to price any substitute holiday from the exact brochure you booked originally as prices seem to vary widely so as we booked last April they have to price any other holiday we choose from last Aprils book ( I hope this is making some sense ).

I'm sorry if I am ranting and flitting from one subject to another but I am trying to say so many things in such a short space of time. Anyway it is tea time, homework time & bath time. Please will people keep us informed as to what you have been offered etc so we can hopefully work out what we are to expect ( ha ha! ).
hello people,

Well what a weekend i had my holiday cancelled saturday i was due to go to KAB 14th June from Glasgow, after hours at the travel agents we got another holiday to Mexico same day better holiday 24hr all inclusive etc...First choice today after waiting all weekend because the price etc could only be agreed with the call centre i was today advised the holiday was booked, my tickets will be on their way very shortly...the insurance they have kept as gold but now changed to long haul travel which is extra which they have covered and the extra costing of the holiday they have its all worked out very well for me....infact i have a better holiday really in respect....i certainly cant moan any more...unless i take a hurricane with me to mexico which is just my luck i hasten to add hehehe and something i couldnt blame first choice for hehe

People stick to your guns be pleasant to the staff at the travel agents its not their fault and believe me it will go a long way for them finding you the best holiday they can...the agent i dealt with made sure she booked all the extra's to take it to the limit i was allowed fair play to her.

over the months ive found this part of the forum most interesting i think its been a blessing knowing whats happened with others that gave me the confidence to stick to my gun's else i am sure i would have panicked and let them book anything for me....for that i have you all to thank.

i wish you all every success and a happy holiday one and all....for those travelling july don't panic just yet remember most of us who have been cancelled have ended up with a better holiday :-)

signing out..... mexico here i come 14th June :-)
Mandelson... hi

The first cold beer is on me!!!!!!! where are you flying from?

Michelle, Genise and all others, your posts have been brilliant.. if it wasn't for all your info we wouldn't be able to start to sort everything out with FC!

I have every part of my body crossed that all will be okay in August and hope all the others that are risking it, like my family and our friends, are not disappointed.... "First Choice" someone once said now becomming alot of people's "Last Choice!"

Happy days..... :roll:
Hi All. I'm leaving the forum too. It's been great having so much support on here over the last couple of months. I think I would have jumped ship a long time ago if everyone hadn't been so positive. I'll be keeping my eye on here and think about possibly going to KABC next year. I can't wait to see the first reviews! Personally I think it will be a mint place once it's up and running, it's a shame it's got off to such a bad start.

I hope everyone enjoys their new holidays and who knows, maybe we will meet at KABC after all!

I'll raise my glass to you all when I'm sunning myself in Turkey! :glynis
  • Edited by Sam L 2006-05-15 18:37:04
I am also due to go to KABC on 2 August. Have a feeling I'll need a drink by then!! :lol: First Choice rang last week and wouldn't leave a message. I thought it was to tell us to change hotel, but they rang back today and it was in response to a letter I sent a few weeks ago. Despite booking a standard room, when we got our confirmation, FC had upgraded us to a room with a king-sized bed. As it's just me and my three boys going, I really wanted single beds. FC have now sorted this and knocked off the £168 they were charging us for the privilege! :shock:

I took the opportunity to ask about the hotel being ready while I had them on the phone. "Oh yes it'll be ready by the time you go." he said, without much conviction. Oh well, time will tell...
We are due to go September 13th.

I have just been on the phone to the 0161 number to ask if we can change to exactly the same holiday on the same date next year.
He told me we could change free of charge but would have to meet any extra cost which I wasn't happy about.
I explained that I had booked to go in September thinking the hotel would be well up and running, staff fully trained, and teething problems ironed out had it opened as planned on May 1st, now i will be going to a hotel that is only open 2 months.
He said everything would be fully operational including the beach which would be as seen in the brochure. When I asked him to confirm this for me in writing he said "You have it in writing in your brochure. That is your written gaurantee."
To be honest he was quite shirty and not very helpful and I made sure I was nice to him because as the saying goes "You get more bees with honey than vinegar".

When he priced up the holiday for next year it was over £800 more expensive believe it or not. I done it myself on Eclipse's site last night and it was £300 more expensive so where the extra £500 has come from I don't know.

Hubby has sworn never to book with them again.
We have 3 holidays booked with them within the next year, so we're pretty good customers who you'd think they would want to look after.
i think when i rang FC help line i received the backlash of the previous caller...the girl who i spoke to was shirty with me from the first word to say the least. i too queried a price that the helpline quoted me to change my holiday which was cancelled for a few weeks time and they quoted me £700 more than my nearest FC shop could offer me with the same package!!! take it or leave it was the response. i have quit and getting my money back but that'll take up to 2 weeks!! wot a joke. i'll get £10comp and no refund of my booking fee.

the other prob was trying to locate accommodation to another hotel which could accommodate an infant!!!

i started another thread on a money saving chat forum about poor customer service of has received some intersting although few views of others and it's got my blood boiling to say the least.

we've jumped ship and have tonight now booked, on overdraft, a holiday to cyprus with another company.

FC can go and FC themselves, i'll never ever deal with them again
Michelle, Lisa, Sam and Genise, sorry to see you go, but happy that you're off on your jollies with no more hassle! Enjoy and hopefully will hear from you from time to time. Thanks for your posts, without you guys I wouldn't have had a clue what I was in for. (Forewarned, forearmed and all that mallarky!) Adios Amigos! :wave Karen, we fly from Manchester at 8pm, doh!! Arrive at silly o'clock in the morning, so will be stocking up on beer whilst on the plane to get me through! (Just joking guys, not alchohol dependent - yet) :lol: Alison, I haven't received my paperwork yet, don't pay the balance for a few weeks, I'll be watching for any extras they've sneaked in. It's not the first time I've heard someone say that though. :no naughty, naughty, First Choice!!
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