Some taxi drivers will say that there is construction on the main route and that it will be quicker to take the tunnel. However this is usually not true and they just want to take you the long way so that the fare is higher.
The tunnel is at the south of the strip and isn't the most direct route to get to most of the hotels on the strip. It can add $5-20 onto the fare.
I always say "No tunnel please". Hubby once said after me to take the quickest route and the driver said that would be the tunnel. I quickly corrected him and said we wanted the cheapest route which only take a maximum of 15 mins anyway.
We did have a driver snap at us, "Which way then?!", as if he didn't know so I told him to take Swenson.
On our way to the airport from the Palazzo the driver said that the strip was busy and would it be OK to take the freeway. I asked if it would be more expensive and she just said, "OK" and took the strip which wasn't busy at all. It's just the drivers trying to push up the fare.
When are you off to Vegas and where are you staying?

It does depend where you stay and maybe also would be easier if your hotel had an entrance at the back and was on the same side of the strip as Bellagio. Tunnel is supposedly best for Rio etc, but certainly not for the likes of Paris, Ballys. If you're staying on the east of the strip the taxi should go up the back of the strip and enter your hotel from the back. They will often take Paradise Road. We'll be staying at the Orleans first this year and I expect to be taken along tropicana west.
Thanks for your replies.We are staying at the NYNY in august. We are both very excited as have never been to america before let alone Vegas. Furthest we've been is the Canaries. 3 things on my to do list whilst in Vegas, Hoover dam, Fat Elvis and find somewhere that does steak for breakfast!!!!
Some 24 hour coffee shops do steak and eggs for breakfast, Bill's is one I can think of, but some of them only serve it on the graveyard shift, 11pm - 7am. Another one is Ellis Island which is off strip and would be a fair walk from New York New York.
Steak just does not have the same appeal for me since I tried prime rib - now that is how to eat meat!!!! One of the many things calling me back!!!! Along with the gun shop, duelling pianos at the NYNY, apple martinis, proper hash browns for breakfast, video poker and cocktail waitresses!!!
They do a nice steak and eggs in the NYNY and reasonably priced too. That restaurant is 24hr too.
Food is often of a good standard, service can be a tad slow at times, prices are reasonable. We always hop over there for at least a breakfast, if not an evening meal.
The NYNY is a lovely hotel, you will enjoy it. People often moan that it is too congested citing similarities to the real New York, but I've never really found that an issue. The Casino has one of the best themes on the strip.
Have a great trip. We will also be there in August, it's going to be a hot one!!!

You'll find info on shows via a search
I'm staying at the Meridian and really like to walk everywhere. Can I walk from the airport to the hotel, it looks about 2 miles which is fine...I have stayed in Vegas before and remember it being very busy but there were pavements too! I only have hand luggage.
Once you get to the entrance to the airport on East Trop, it would be possible but is still a fair old trek. Best to get a cab, it won't be that much and anyway, you will win that back of course!!!!!

We fly out next Wed and are staying at NYNY. Its our first time to Vegas. Should we tell the driver to avoid the tunnel or not bother saying anything since its our first time to vegas
Just say "no tunnel". You might get a sarcastic comment back from the driver along the lines of "why would I take the tunnel, you are staying at the NYNY?" but they are used to people saying this now as it is such a big topic of conversation on various LV forums.
It's only a short hop from the airport to your hotel, about 10mins at max allowing for traffic. We stayed in the NYNY in 2004 and loved it. Smaller rooms compared to most in LV but still very nice. I believe they are offering an upgrade to a bigger room for $5 a night at the moment (my Brother was there in March) and that might be an option.
Plenty to do, eat and see at the NYNY. America (the 24hr restaurant) is a good choice for a cheapish breakfast.
Have a great trip.

By law they are supposed to ask you first before taking the tunnel. It could be quicker, but will be more expensive. I wouldn't mind $5 more, but I've heard of people being $30 for a fare that should have been $12-15.

When we went to the MGM last year I got in the cab and just said "can you take us straight to the MGM, you would never use the tunnel for that property anyway would you?" to which the guy replied "of course not, it's only just around the corner" which was either a very honest response or he realised I knew my stuff and didn't want to chance it.
A lot of forum answers give these taxi guys a bit of a bad name in LV, but not all are out to take you for a ride.....well they are, but I think you get my meaning!!!!

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