Goa Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in Goa.
The Typhoid only lasts for 3yrs (no boosters). Once you have a booster for the others they last a minimum of 10yrs, some for longer
Cheers Beachy :wink: Main jabs are, diptheria/tetanus, polio, hepatitis a and typhoid. If your travelling into remote areas, then others would have to be considered.
Debreg, you asked earlier what was wrong with doxycycline? I found out it makes you extremely sensitive to the sun and will burn very quickly and would need complete sun block! I didnt like the sound of that, also its an anti-biotic which you have to take for four weeks on return and malarone is only for a week on return. hope this helps.
Hi Lisa

yes I have read about possible extra sensitivity to the sun and we will need to ensure we use enough sunscreen etc. I do think that Malarone is the preferred option however the price is obscene,as I said earlier it would cost £455 for the 7 of us to take :shock:
I've given this much thought over the last few days, weighing up between the various options available. Avloclor and Paludrine made us very nauseous when we first tried those, so am reluctant to use them again. From reports on Larium I don't think that I particularly want to risk the paranoia :shock:

With Doxycycline I have to say that I am nervous about it making the skin sensitve and perhaps more prone to sunburn, I do go a lovely colour when in Goa but I do have to be careful, and therefore I don't think that this is an option for me.

So that leaves Malarone, which I think is going to work out at about £55 per person. Not so bad I suppose as there are only 2 of us, but still making me gulp somewhat.
Hmmm this is a hard decision, and very confusing... so Chloroquine and Proquanil is definitely not an option..?
I just can't make up my mind Lozza, we really didn't feel well on them when we took them before, although I think we probably took them on an empty stomach so we could very well be alright if we took them with or after our evening meal, but from a previous post I am also a little confused about their effectiveness against the falcipurum parasite.
We only took half of the anit-malerials (one a week) as this was what was recommended in March by our doctor and to be honest we didn't even finish taking them - I'm really bad at remembering to take tablets!! But I will make more of an effort this time as there seems to be problem. Our friends took all their tablets (Chloroquine and Proquanil) in March and they were fine - they had them with their evening meal.

I may go ahead and get Chloroquine and Proquanil, and use Jungle Formula.
We take them just before going to bed, that way they can get to work while you sleep and we never have any bad effects from them.
This just makes it more of a dilemma :lol: whether to take the over the counter or pay the extra for the Malarone, I've been swotting up on malaria all day, and it seems that the falcipurum parasite is showing some resistance to chloroquine in Goa. Think I'll discuss it further with OH tonight to make a decision.
  • Malarone = 100% protection
    Chloroquine and Proquanil =75% protection

and it seems that the falcipurum parasite is showing some resistance to chloroquine in Goa.
No Plasmodium falciparum is completely resistant to Chloroquine and Proquanil.
With Doxycycline I have to say that I am nervous about it making the skin sensitve and perhaps more prone to sunburn, I do go a lovely colour when in Goa but I do have to be careful, and therefore I don't think that this is an option for me.

I was taking Doxycycline on prescription as an antibiotic, the warning is severe about no exposure to sun or sunbeds, I found that it made me have rashes on my arms when exposed to the sun, and thats not particulary strong sun in this country so I would not like to sit out in Goa after taking them, I also had to be careful when I ate with them they are very strong and cause terrible nausea.

Right before i pick up our prescriptions for the doxy anyone got more info on Fansidar that someone mentioned the other day :? is it effective against the virilant strain, where is it available and how much does it cost??


Debgreg I am taking the Fansidar - to my knowledge there is no difference between those and Doxycycline. Both my Husband and I took them last yr with absolutely no side effects. We are both sun lovers ( spend all day most days on the beach) didn't get burnt and didn't have any skin rashes. Obviously we are all different & I can only speak for myself - Oh and my Husband but thats a habit I cant break :lol: :lol:
I do think that Malarone is the preferred option however the price is obscene,as I said earlier it would cost £455 for the 7 of us to take

Maybe but, what price for your health :?:

so Chloroquine and Proquanil is definitely not an option..?

They seem to be near enough immune to this and it's no good what so ever against the Plasmodium Falciparum strain of malaria :!:

I am taking the Fansidar - to my knowledge there is no difference between those and Doxycycline.

As ellebee says, they're both the same.
HariKrishna - many thanks for your reply. Up until reading it we had decided to go with the Chloroquine and Proquanil combination, as I had only been able to ascertain from the WHO and Traveldoctor (to name a couple) that there was only little evidence that the Plasmodium falciparum parasite, in Goa, was beginning to show resistance, although in places like Thailand it was most definately resistant.

Please can you tell me where you get your information from?
Hi Goanmad Tony
(see we both support the same team,Porto just equalised :evil: )

when you say what price for your health!! well if Malaorone was the only option then of course we would have no alternative but to pay ,but our health need not be compromised by Doxy (which offers the same health protection)we just need to monitor sun sensitivity or other possible side effects (possible being the operative word).

I have recently been treated for Helicobactor Pylori (a bacteria that lives in the stomach)with a huge amount & combination of antibiotics (2,500mls per day for a week)and people were telling me how ill the medication would make me (i was dreading taking it) Well I had no side effects at all, as someone said earlier we are all different. :)

You ask where I obtained my information with regards to anti malarials. I have just recently retired after working 30 years in the pharmaceutical industry. You may wish to click here for further information regarding anti malarials.

Regards and safe holidaying.
Hi Miccie
this website,CDC ,Centres for Disease Control and Prevention,tells you about it (sorry don't know how to do a link :oops: )
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