I went into the Chemist Counter in Boots at lunchtime to ask them what the recommendations currently were for Goa. She looked it up in her book, dated December 2007, and it stated that there was NO risk at present!!!
I am amazed at the conflicting advice which is given out, depending on where you ask/look. It shouldn't be that we are having to tell dispensing chemists/doctors that there is a risk, why is it that the information isn't reliable?
Hi guys I agree there is a lot of confusing information around and its quite scary when the information that chemist's and GP's have available conflict. I can remember going to get a prescribtion a year or so ago for malaria tablets and being told by the chemist we didnt need them at all, but we got the prescription and took them anyway! just to be sure.
Good job we have this forum isn't it guys or we wouldn't know where we were.
Well after everything we have decided to go with the Paludrine/Avloclor over the counter tablets. There's so much conflicting advice being given that at the end of day I decided to purchase enough to get us started and then purchase the rest when I get to Goa.
Our chemist told us today that the Doxy we have got will also help us avoid dicky tummies (coz it is an antibiotic)
Last few questions before leaving for Goa - am I better buying mozzie repellant in the UK or in Goa? What brands do you recommend
I get mine over there, its better and cheaper, any local shops sell it. Used to have a good one a couple of years ago but couldn't get it last season, think i used Good Knight last time.
ou can buy it in gel- they've stopped ma king spray . Odomos worked fine not 1 bite
Helen, I swear by boots insect repellent extra strength tropical it contains 50% deet and it keeps everything at bay, I also use it in England as well because it keeps the midges off you on a summers evening, try it you won't be dissapointed.
I went for some advice regarding Malaria tablets, and yet again, the nurse is STILL saying all i need to take is Avloclor (proguanil+chloroquine).
I told her i have heard from a 'good source' that this course of tablets will not protect against the deadly strain called Plasmodium Falciparum
I think GoanMadTony said earlier in this thread to enquire about Larium (sp) , which only costs a bit more than P+C, but then again, cost isnt really important in this matter.
Why are nurses not up to date with this information?
Also, if you do get bit and it causes you to itch, buy some tigerbalm, which i think is in a yellow tub, this really helps to stop the itching, but doesn't protect against malaria.
So make sure you spray yourself with repellent as well.
Basically it seems like you pay your money and take your choice, you can ask for any one of the the last three on private prescription from your doctor.
And yes, Tiger Balm is excellent!
I was actually thinking of getting Malarone anyway.
I'll check up on the cost.
I think i have read somewhere that malarone can be taken by children.
The other good thing about Malarone is that you don't have to take it for as long as the chloroquine & proguanil
Ive worked it out at around 43pounds per adult for a 2 weeks stay.
This is a bit pricey , and you have to take a tablet everyday

However, this is the drug with the least side effects
I've decided to go with the chloroquine and proguanil, mainly as the advice still seems to predominately advise this course. However, on our first visit to Goa 7 years ago they did make us feel sick, so we are going to try to take them differently this time. We start next Saturday, if we have the side effects in the week leading up to the holiday I'll have to quickly revert to Malarone.
Thanks again Miccie, and all of the other posters who have put good information on here.
Just had advice from my friend in Goa who suggests 500mgms Chloroquin weekly 2 weeks before travel all the time you are there and two weeks after you return? Does this add up to what other people have ben told?
Was talking to her about Malarone. Seems to be the best one with least side effects. However, it will be £61.45 per person from doctors! She suggested for a two week holiday you would need 23 tablets pp. One tablet 2 days before going...one tablet each day while on holiday..and one tablet per day for 7 days when home. She suggested ringing around Boots etc..to see how much they would charge. A private prescription is £9 from our doctors. Can you buy Malarone in Goa? If so could you buy just a few tablets in UK....then buy the rest out there?

Just back from our first visit this season, checked in the chemists in Goa, and Malarone is not available there, the pharmacist's advice was that out of the monsoon season and in the main coastal belt it was unnecessary and we didnt bother. we have'nt taken any for the last ten years or so, but it's a decision for each person, after speaking to people, and weighing up all the different factors involved Alan
Many thanks for your reply Alan! Very interesting too! We'd initially starting taking a course of Avloclor on our first trip to Goa - several years back now. We stopped taking them though as they made us feel ill and we never took anything since. It was only with the hoo haa of malaria again that we've started looking into it again.

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