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When is it you are travelling? MAN-GOI-MAN (MON4502/3) are currently operated by the Airbus A300B4-605R fleet. As these don't have the range to make the flight non-stop, they operate via Bahrain for fuel.
hi going from manchester on 28th march and returning 12th april mon 4502 and 4503
thanks for that
we are flying monarch manchester to tenerife on 12-04-09 flight no ZB568 pre booked my seats on monarchs web site and seating layout is 3-3-2 can you tell me what aircraft that is?
are you sure that was the layout? The only aircraft I can think of would be the A300 as I can't see them using an A330 on a MAN-TFS route and i'm not sure whether the 767 is still with them or is on lease. ACARS is showing that it was operated yesterday (6th) by an A321 and they aren't configured 3-3-2!
yes on monarch website it shows the layout 3-3-2 ive booked 10g 10h 11g 11h, coming back its 3-3,perhaps because its easter weekend they need more seats
Welcome onboard

ZB568 on your date of travel is operated by an Airbus A300B4-605R I believe because it's the easter weekend. These are configured 3-3-3 for the most part. Your return flight, ZB569 is operated by Airbus A321-200. These are configured 3-3. None of the wide-bodied aircraft in Monarchs fleet are configured 3-3-2 at any point (A332, AB6, 763). There are better seating plans on Seat Guru.
i'm not sure whether the 767 is still with them or is on lease
G-DIMB is on lease to Air Méditerranée for the winter season.
Is there any way of finding out where a Monarch flight is arriving from, before changing flight number and carrying on? What I'm trying to find out is where ZB074 to Lanzarote is flying in from to Luton? Would it Mahon?
What day are you flying on? Presumably a Thursday? ZB074 is the first flight out that morning for the aircraft. The aircraft generaly gets in from Larnaca the previous evening.

There aren't websites holding that information for security reasons. There are several Monarch flights out to ACE with the same flight number (Tues / Thurs / Sat, ZB74/5), most on a Thursday. That's why I presumed a Thursday. Yes, the incoming flight on a saturday is the Mahon flight, which then goes on to operate the Arrecife. I believe there are weather problems at Luton and big delays so I sympathise. Not the best way to start a holiday but not much you can do when the weather closes in. We've no such problems in the north west! Given that aircraft are out of position, decisions may be taken and aircraft changed.
Thanks Darren for the quick replies, and the help
flying with monarch to goa from manchester sat21feb 18:40,would you know if this stops over at bahrain,and if so are we allowed off the plane if it does
Please quote flight numbers when you can, saves me having to look them up and ensures I get the right one. MAN-GOI-MAN (MON4502/3) are operated by an Airbus A300B4-605R. These don't have the range to make the flight non-stop so you'll be stopping in Bahrain for fuel. You're normally on the ground for about 90 minutes so get a bit of time in the airport.
my apologies i should have read what i wrote thought i had included it,many thanks for your prompt reply,something new for me to have a look round always flew direct before

One flight as on Monday night which i think is an A300 and also a Friday night flight on an A321 but not sure if this has changed.
Please supply flight numbers where possible as there are multiply flights. It just allows us to get the information for the flights you want.
Monday (MON7418/9): Airbus A321-200
Monday (MON1828/9): Airbus A300B4-605R / Boeing 757-2T7 depending on dates
Friday (MON3584/5): Airbus A321-200
Is that an A300.

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