HI. Just back from Mexico and was bitten for the first time ever. All our party had bites ranging in number between 4 and 34. I had about 15, this was despite using Avon after sun with insect repellant (only thing I used to use), Avon sss wodland fresh, dry oil spray and taking vitamin B1 for 3 weeks before I went. Hubby says he doesn't think they were mosi bites but sandflies and Ants stings. Whatever they were they were very unsightly and a few of them really itched.
Back to the drawing board for next year.
shirley we had the same problem when we went to kavos in october last year we always use malibu aftersun with insect repellant and it worked no problem till then!!! i think the mozzies must be getting like the super nits where nothing works anymore!!! i ended up buying a spray in kavos called vape and that did the trick but it was the last one in the shop and i have a feeling it may be discontinued as it was very strongly scented. I brought the bottle home with me incase the aftersun doesnt work when we go to cyprus in october this year i'm keeping my fingers crossed as my scars are horrific from kavos. lindsay.
Thanks for the reply Greek Kitty, and yes I'm like you I also need my aftersun on an evening. I'll try it different ways round on a night and hope for the best.
Try MOZZIE OFF COCKTAIL this is sold at Tiso in Edinburgh, and used in Scotland by Estate workers, gamekeepers, hikers etc, as it keeps the MIDGIES off, part of the mozzie family!
Vitamin B1 patches last week in Turkey and they worked. I actually saw the wee blighters bounce off me!
I still kept my SinKov to hand just in case, but didn't need to use it.
Well I used the 
I still kept my SinKov to hand just in case, but didn't need to use it.
dont fancy the white mark if sunbathing tho
I bought the patches from here http://www.natural-alternative-products.co.uk/natural-patches-insect-repellent-patch-pack-of-10-p-303.html It might seem a bit pricey, but I think they're worth it as every bit of your skin is protected. With sprays etc you always miss some part of your body, and the mozzies always seem to find that missed bit! Also, there's no chemical smell (no smell at all actually) and it only takes a second to put the patch on. I put the patch where my bikini bottom hid it, so no problem with the tan.

I have recently been to Corfu where the mossies were having a feeding frenzy after recent rain.
Last year we visited the same place, same time and got so many bites. I was very near visiting a doctor as some were really bad, my arm swelled right up.

This year we tried the Lifesystems Expedition 50 insect repellant

Also last year, I was using one of the amonia based sticks that is supposed to take the sting out of the bites but it was just making the bites weep and get worse. This year I used some Sudocrem which we took with us, and what a difference

I would highly recommend taking some of this cream, which for anyone who doesn't know, is actually on the baby isle of superstores for nappy rash!
Can you tell us where we can purchase this "Lifesystems Expedition 50 insect repellent"??
They say taking a course of vitamin B1 and garlic capsules also helps!
This LIFESYSTEMS 50 & 100 ml sizes can be bought in Amazon
well i used boots own aftersun with insect repellent and didnt get bitten whilst in cyprus. my mam used calypso aftersun with insect repellent and got bitten all over her legs. i dont think there are too many mozzies in cyprus though so i am going to try it again in greece next year and see what happens there. lindsay.
Everyone I know swears by Ben's 100 (it's 95% DEET), our friends were in Kenya last Xmas and didn't get a single bite
The Stuff we have is recommended not to be applied on skin, but only to clothing - Even then it has a caution about damaging some fibres. I use it to beef up protecion on widow screens and air vents into any of the rooms we are staying in.
I purchased the patches Tishtosh recommended! I hope they work, as I have awful reactions to mozzie bites!

I had a terrible time in bed one evening when we were in Seychelles due to all the insects in the room and vowed that would never happen again to me as it really spoiled my holiday. We are off to the Maldives in April and you have given me the idea of getting one of those plugs too. Do they work on all kinds of insects or are they really only for mossies? Would they work on the larger insects or would it not be strong enough?...I'm talking about those enormous bu****s that you never thought existed!!!!
wouldnt it be easier to wait till you get to resort and buy one in the local shop
can any one tell what to use as i am going 2 tenerfie and dont wanna get biten:(

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