My dad's Thai girlfriend also used to sit me down and rub Tiger Balm all over me. That took the itch away and I think it also contributed to keeping them at bay!
Edit, I found a sniff stick and this is them!

They're for relief of vertigo apparently. I use them to relieve a blocked nose, though! Contails eucalyptus oil, menthol, camphor and borneol. They're called Poy Sian inhalers.

I;m back from corfu which was bad for misquitos loads of people covered in bites (i would have been) but the odourless garlic tabs i got from Holland and Barratt worked take them 2 weeks before hol and during hol. The mossies can't stand the smell. I will be using them every holiday now.

I take a bad reaction to mossie bites and found that SSS and garlic tablets were a waste of time for me. Away back somewhere on this forum someone suggested Mosquito Milk which I found worked for me. The best of it was that it was a roll-on which meant I just had to run it over my skin. It comes in a 100ml bottle which is a heavy bottle, but in a plastic bag for going through security, it could then be put in my hand luggage Cannot remember now who suggested it so sorry for not mentioning your name if you read this.
Re the above post. Sorry, have just looked at the bottle and it is a 50ml bottle and costs approx. £6/
I am just looking at an Avon book at the moment, can anyone confirm that the Skin So Soft that is good for keeping insects away is the Original dry oil spray? I want to order some as everyone keeps saying how good it is. Also is it suitable for children?
Yes you are correct its the Original dry oil spray.
Thanks, I am going to order some now.
I am now going to buy a few more before they run out for my future hols !!
They highly recommended Incognito Spray £8.99. Apparently it claims to be the most powerful repellent. It's an all natural product, & masks the kairomones which the female mossie is attracted to. To order, find nearest stockists 020 7221 0667 or
Avon SSS for me, plus a dab of citronella oil at the ankles, back of the knees, inside of the elbows and behind the ears.
Anyone know if you get these troublesome mites in Salou at this time of year?
They just love me.... there is a plug you can buy and you put a tablet in that helps to keep them out of your rooms...
Good luck
I somehow don't think my Avon SSS will be enough! I used mossie milk in Cuba this year but it didn't stop me getting bitten.
Jungle Formula is an absolute essential..expensive but all the cheap own brand repellents are as good as useless!
In Cuba and Jamaica I used Boots own (silver container) with 50% deet and it worked great. No bites at all. My friends always uses Bens 100 (100% deet)
Thanks guys.

Must say it smells worse in the bottle than on my skin after a quick test. Do you use it in the day on top of suncream or put on before? Or is it best just at night?
I am off to Corfu in August armed with as many Jungle Formula items I can; roll ons, plug ins and I am really baffled by the vast do's and don'ts regarding mosquitos

Am kicking myself- wish I had brought some back. But does anyone know of an affective cream (not spray) brand you rub into the skin. OR is there something to be said for buying a local brand in resort?

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