we were in jamaica last month and had heard that mozzies were rife which petrified me as I always get munched on, so I got 'lifesystems' 100% deet, now, I know that some will slate the fact that this product is way too strong ( had heard it melts clothes ) rubbish !! its a gem of a repellant and never melted or stained any of my clothes and a massive result with only one bite ( must have missed a teeny spot !) . so at £4.99 a bargain !
fossman I take the Brewers yeast for a month before I go away. For three weeks I just take 2 tabs a day. We're off next Wednesday, so I'm not taking 6. Don't know if its just me, but they can make you a little constipated. Nothing too bad, just something to be aware of.
What with the vitamin c tablets I take when we go through airport security they'll think we are some kind of drug mules.
BTW I am 29 and my wife is 24.
Before we went to jamaica, when we had our jabs, the nurse gave us a printout of a government health guidline on defense against mosquito bites and it says that garlic capsules, vitamin b tablets, avon sss are all ineffective against these bites, mind, didn't say owt about yeast tablets !!! But, you get my drift, what works for one may not work for all, so best to be extra prepared !!
i use the avon stuff, and so do the kids....but for hubby i ended up getting him the 100% deet, as he gets awful reactions to bites, and becomes quite ill...he only uses it at night tho, and touch wood...been ok...
I went Pefkos in Rhodes..... came back last week.....non of us were bitten....except one of our party who was bitten on the beach....took breweres yeast before we went for a few weeks and ate lots of garlic....I went armed to the teeth with wipes ,sprays, wrist bands, plug ins, and all the stuff for if you got bitten....brought it all back unused....thought I would definately get bitten there......went gran caneria beginning of july and was surprised as didnt see a single mossy......previous years got eaten alive by them...do you think they hide from me now ....cause they know about all the gear I take and the stuff I eat....think they must be reading our forums
I used to just use the Avon after-sun with repelant but this has been discontinued. This year I tried Malibu after-sun with insect reppelant and it worked a treat - mind, I can't say I saw one mosquito

Hi. Can anyone tell me what the mosquito situation is in Tunisia, end of October and beginning of November? Thanks.
I don't think you should have a problem with them as i have never noticed any mosquitoes in Tunisia and in 16 visits there have never been bitten but I have talked to other people while out there who have complained about being bitten. If you are one of those people who do get bitten whereever they go perhaps you shouls take some spray just incase.
Thanks,ScubaLeanna. You have cheered me up. I do react VERY badly to mosqitoe bites. I will take a spray with me and will start on the antihistamine tablets too. Have tried the garlic tabets, the yeast tablets, the Avon SSS but none of these work for me. Mind, if the weather there just now will be the same end of October and into November I doubt if any of the wee blighters will be around!
I could really do without this happening again- we are going to Cha Am on 10th October, are we likely to have a mozzie problem? if so I will be better prepared than last year. (We had repellent but were a bit relaxed about applying it as didnt think there were any around!

Stace1983. That's what happened to me too. Got an injection,tablets and cream from the doctor. That was why I thought I'd take the antihistamine this time. Maybe you are right and I'd be better getting them while away.
Taking antihistamines with you is probably still a good idea, I will make sure I have some with me. My mother in law takes one a day anyway, she says it helps with her prickly heat. I had never had a problem before apart from the odd bite so am hoping this was a one off but am going to be armed with plenty of repellents just in case!!
Yippee, not one bite.
The way forward is "mosquito milk".
It comes in a small glass bottle with a roller ball and it's so easy to roll a few stripes on exposed skin.
No more spraying and wasting.
You can put it exactly where you want it.
Low in Deet, but made up of other plant oils that deter the little blighters.
IMO: Best thing since sliced bread and I've enough left for two more holidays before the date expires.
sanji, where did you buy this ? I would be very interested to use this, would one bottle do the 3 of us for a 2 week holiday ? our hotel in mexico is set in a jungle, so they will be vicious !
I got it from Chemist Direct and before someone mentioned it in this thread, I confess that I'd never heard of it.
I used it every night during the 2 week holiday, (hubby tends not to get bitten, they don't like his blood) so, I've used just under a third of the bottle by applying a few stripes... I probably "overdosed" around the ankles because that's where they like me.
I think you would need two bottles, but there is an 18 month expiry date after opening, which means any left can be used on the next holiday (obviously if taken before 18 months)
It's expensive in comparison to some other products, but IMO for value for money by not wasting a drop, it is cost effective in the long term.
And more importantly...for me, it worked.
Here's the daft bit lol......Do you wear the repellant all day or just in the evenings and night? Why I ask is that it says on the bottle to apply to all exposed skin and if i am gonna be sun bathing all day that's a whole lot of exposed skin to cover lol
Thanks for that sanji, am certainly going to give it a go !

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