
Grand Bazaar, İstanbul
Annual Visitors: 91,250,000
Hand-painted ceramics, lanterns, intricately patterned carpets, copperware, gold Byzantine-style jewelry, and more eye-catching products vie for your attention within this 15th-century bazaar’s vaulted walkways. It has since expanded and become increasingly touristy, but locals, too, are among the millions of bargain hunters. To haggle like a pro, lowball your starting offer and don’t be afraid to walk away. And if it all gets overwhelming, break for a succulent doner kebab or strong cup of Turkish coffee.
The oldest bazaar in the world Grand Bazaar “There are four layers here: 1. The earliest tricks of eastern creativity; 2. Old and most selected works of guild, formerly known as ‘industry’, 3. ‘Designs’, which are produced according to the latest technology and willingness, 4. The most valuable raw materials during the past history; gold, silver, diamonds and the like “.

The year 1461, when Fatih Sultan Mehmet began the construction of the Grand Bazaar, was accepted as the foundation year of the Grand Bazaar. The main bazaar was built by Sultan Süleyman the Magnificent as wood.
Evliya Çelebi described it as a tremendous fortress. In the 1640s, Çelebi explained the Grand Bazaar trader as follows: “… the crowning and choosing place of Istanbul is the great laugh of the Osmanoğulları.
Here are all the enthusiasts, the viziers and the miracles of the fairy, where there are nice hundreds of iron-lined cellars underground … There is a jeweler’s door that opens to the east, and there is a terrible bird which has opened its wings on this door …
The purpose of embroidering this door was as follows: birds. If you can grab this bird graciously, you can make a profit on this beast! “