My son was in tears last night saying that he doesn't want to go to Spain(we leave on 8th April)as he is scared of flying.
He has flown before although it was a 45 minute flight to France and he was fine then-this was just under a year ago.
Am very worried now and feel awful putting him through what will be a terrible ordeal.
Can anyone suggest anything I can give him before the flight to calm his nerves?
Have bought some rescue remedy but am sure that he will hate the taste of it on his tongue.
Please help!!!
What is Fear of Flying:
Flying with Children:
It's best that medications for children should not be discussed or recommended here in the forums, advice on that should be taken only from qualified professionals.

Don't know if this will help but what about suggesting that when you get on the plane you ask one of the hostesses if it would be possible for your son (along with yourself or another adult) to be taken up to meet the captain at sometime during your flight to see how they fly the plane. Perhaps if you explain that he is worried about flying they could explain that there is nothing to worry about etc. When my three kids were younger we always did this; not because they were afraid of flying just because they were nosey and wanted to see all the controls and ask if they could fly the plane. The airlines are pretty good regarding this sort of thing and I am sure they would oblige if you explained the situation to them when on board. For some reason my daughter when younger hated using the toilets on aircrafts until one time she needed to go desperately and the " kind stewardess " told her that if she was a big girl and used the toilet there would be a chocolate bar waiting for her when she came out, which give her her due there was. From then on my daughter wanted to use the toilets every few minutes on future flights.
Has anything happened in the past on a flight, like bad turbulence or something that is worrying him this time?
Hope everything goes well
Hi Jackie ... that used to be common practice on holiday flights and was a great thrill for kids (and adults !!). But since 9/11, cockpit visits are no longer allowed.
hi ..tinap.. can be difficult for you and your child if the child or indeed a adult as a fear of flying ,i suggest you take plenty of toys e.t.c. and try to keep them occuppied ,i do not think you will be allow to go up to the cockpit with the pilot any more because of past events ,so i reccomend a lot of reasurance and cuddles and hopefully they will be fine....all the best for your holiday....johndoe ...
We used to fly abroad as a family. Now my son who is 11, and 2 daughters 20 and 15 don't like flying. So my husband and I have to fly individually. In other words we have to go away on our own. One of us stays at home with the family while the other goes away on holiday abroad. We now call it our stress breaks, we don't go away abroad in main summer season. but off peak, like March, April or September.
Our family holidays are in July, August and we have a British holiday.
I'm flying out to Magaluf on April 15th for my stress break!!
You are right, but it has been so long ago since we did this I did not take into account the recent events.

It all started last year on our flight to Alicante (Up until then he had been fine, never even batted an eyelid, over the number of years we had flown) ,our flight had been cancelled at Leeds/Brad, and we had to travel to Manchester where we were delayed for 8 hrs. We eventually boarded the plane, and as the plane was going down the runway (I said to my other half "This plane isn't building enough speed up to take off"), just as I said that the plane "Screeched" to a halt, the pilot shouted to the crew to get to their positions. There were kids, woman, (and a few men!) screaming , (Don't mind admitting I was crying too, although I tried not to let my lad see), as he was quite shook up too, we had to get back off, whilst the engineer's looked at the plane. 3 hours later we were back on (8 people refused to get back on), we eventually set back off, but all the time I had a knot in my stomach, and my little lad was terrified something was going to go "Wrong" with the plane. All week he was saying how he didn't want to get back on the plane to go home (and he wasn't on his own there!), this experience has totally put him off flying, but we already booked our holiday before we went on our last one.
I have tried telling him, that it was a one off, and that it won't happen again, and that the airline we flew with has gone bankrupt, and that we will never have to fly with that airline again, etc.. etc.., but he still get's himself worked up when the holidays are mentioned. Just wish there was something I could say/do to put his mind at rest. Any suggestions?
Sorry Tina, don't mean to take opver your post, but we both might find any suggestions made helpful. Thanks. BBB.
We booked a holiday to Spain 10 months after 9/11, when I told my Son he completely freaked out and begged us not to go. He'd flown before and was fine but he was younger at the time. I didn't make too much of a fuss about it and just reassured him. The day we arrived at the airport he was obvioulsy very nervous as he couldn't stop going to the toilet but once we got on the plane he was ok though he did use the toilet a few more times. He loved take-off, and doesn't think twice about flying now so you may be lucky when you actually get him there he may overcome his fear. Just plenty of reassurance.
Don't know if this will help but what about suggesting that when you get on the plane you ask one of the hostesses if it would be possible for your son (along with yourself or another adult) to be taken up to meet the captain at sometime during your flight to see how they fly the plane.
Unfortunately, that is no longer possible. Even though it is only a child, following the tragic events of 9/11 the practice of allowing passengers onto the flight deck on, in as far as I am aware, all airlines is no longer allowed. I believe most aircraft have now been fiited with 'vault' type doors between the flight deck and the passenger cabin. And on some airlines, even the Cabin Crew are no longer permitted into the Flight Deck area.
As David has said Cockpit Visits are a thing of the past now. It may be worth contacting the Airline concerned prior to your flight and explain your circumstances, but I don't think it will make any difference, but its worth an email maybe?
this is the first time my little girl is flying, and she is afraid of everything esp load noices (she is 5) so i am really worried about her, but i found getting her to talk to friends in her class that have been on a plane really helpfull at putting her mind at rest.
Soft earplugs are a good idea if your child is worried by loud noises - ask your local pharmacist for advise on which to use for the age of your child.
There are also herbal remedies which can help with stress and some are especially formulated for children.
If all else fails you could always try a very large gin - for the child!!!!

Good luck to all of you and I hope you enjoy your holiday when you finally get there.
My little boy age 5 went on his first flight last year - we talked to him about what would happen and how it could be quite noisy when taking off and landing. We told him that some people got a bit nervous about flying (my husband) and that was ok because the plane was big and flies very high. But we said we knew he would be ok because he was a big boy and very brave and he took it all in his stride.
We took loads of things to keep him occupied - gameboy, puzzles, colouring and card games.
Here are some really good tips about keeping them entertained during the flight.
Hope this helps

Luckily i have never had a problem with my 3 boys, they have been flying since they were 1,4 and 6 and now treat getting on a plane as if it were second nature, but i suppose all it takes is one scare and that could change. I am a very nervous flyer, the slightest noise has me terrified never mind any turbulance but i always try not to show any fear in front of them.
What is rescue remedy? is it like calmers?
Prawn will correct me if I am wrong but I believe he/she may mean Bachs Rescue Remedy it's available to buy from the Homeopathy area in Boots.
Thanks Kath
You can get the Bach Rememdy from Holland and Barratt, not sure about boots but I would imagine so.

We took loads of things to keep him occupied - gameboy, puzzles, colouring and card games. ""
Did you take anything for your son also?

I can assure you it takes more than a gameboy etc to get my husband to relax on a flight!!
We have solved this problem now - I just drug him up with travel sickness tablets on the day - and for the days leading up to the flight he takes Kalms. Seems to have worked - he actually went away to the Algarve on a golfing holiday and he said he was ok - might have had something to do with the flight being delayed 4 hours and having to wait in the bar!!!!!!

Bach's Rescue Remedy is available in Boots in a range of options, not just the drops. Remember that there are other products available which may help - but trying to keep the children interested and occupied during the flight is a big help. When I took my grandchildren on their first flight to Turkey I took a map of Europe with us (just one sheet ) and then they could follow the flight plan - worked with Jonathan but Poppy just thought it was far too much trouble and she preferred looking at the shopping magazine!!

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