My second trip to Goa went well, the monsoons where late and it was very hot and humid.
The flight out with Jet Airways was uneventful with an almost full aircraft the cabin crew where still attentive and willing.
Because I only had an hour from landing in Bombay and catching my flight to Goa I was fast tracked through customs and immigration much to the anger of the queuing Indians, but if looks could kill!!!
I couldn't find the hotel that I had booked (but not paid for) and never did, nobody had ever heard of it, so I spent my first night at the Paradise village at Rs1200/night, it was/is a dump and that's being polite, looks good from the outside but the rooms where filthy but not as dirty as the restraint, the table cloths where beyond belief and absolutely crawling with flies, I moved to the Casa de Goa across the road and stayed there for the rest of my stay.
The next place I found was "Molly Malone's", Leslie, the owner has built the place in the Irish pub style (what ever that is) and he is a fine cook (Irish stew etc) but no Guinness, he only opened 6 months back and sold his stock of 4000 cans of the black stuff in weeks, right now he is trying to import draught but is having difficulty finding supplies, even so the pub is well worth the visit his staff really look after the customers, perhaps that's why he has a lot of ex-pat regulars and some very interesting ex-pats there are.
I had a look at the rooms at molly's and they where well furnished television with cable A/C comfortable beds nice shower with bath and decent furniture.
The beaches where pretty much deserted except for fishermen with their nets and catching mostly flotsam. I was approached at the steps by 2 men selling tat and was asked if I wanted an Indian women, these men where just a little too big and well dressed too be selling tat so I told them I was a DCI from England doing the same job as them, they said something to each other in Hindi and left me alone.
The rest of my stay in Calangute was taken up with eating drinking and taking walks, I got caught in the rains twice but enjoyed it.
Driving across Bombay between airports had to be the craziest experience I have encountered; the bus had 2 drivers, one at the wheel and one at the door trying to stop tuk tuk drivers from killing themselves, they just don't see the danger of an encounter with a bus, or that might is right and cutting up a bus is just not on, nobody but nobody give an inch and tries to push in at every opportunity, more later when I remember and get back on UK time.
I have done that bus trip too phew!!!!!!
Glad to see you haven't forgotten us, and this is the first monsoon report, keep it up I'm sure you have loads to tell us.
hi lez great report we have done that trip across bombay in a taxi that felt like it was falling apart very scary anita
I met some interesting people one old fella with an tuk tuk for his transport and his 23 year old Thai wife sitting in the back like a princess, but the most interesting guy was from the old wrestling circuit, Dave, 'the man in the mask' he went under and he was a great guy to talk to with his old yarns about wrestling, and no I didn't tell him that I thought wrestling was fixed I'm not that daft.
There wasn't much open in Calangute in the way of restaurants just the odd ones but I wouldn't use them because of the flies, I know the fly population greatly increases during the monsoon but some where just over the top and made no attempt to reduce them like removing filthy table cloths, with the exception of the tree house, only their toilets are a no, no.
The taxies have mostly packed up for the monsoon, the Indians that where there don't tip and its not worth their time just hanging around for the odd ride, with the exception of my driver who stayed on just to take me to the airport, so I gave him a big tip.
So my days where mostly spent looking at houses, flats, I went to open a bank account but when I went back with my papers they had closed, walking on the beach, having a few beers and lunch an afternoon kip watching football and going too mollies at night, Les would usually run me home because I was bad on my feet, ok I couldn't navigate on my own, perfect.
When I was leaving the Casa de Goa the reception phoned me to say my taxi was waiting, I had paid my bill the night before so I went to give my keys in, no taxi, when I asked he told me the driver had phoned, thinking nothing of it until the room boy came running back saying I had had 2 bottles of water and they wanted 60 rupees payment, so I paid with a Rs100 note, no change, I asked the driver if he indeed had phoned, no he told me so I went right back in and demanded my 40 rupee change and got it, I was peeved because I did tip well for room service, I told the reception that when I come back I wont tip anyone and I will tell them why, that will give the little git something to think about.
Thanks Lezlie for a great report!! It's made me feel really homesick and wishing I was back in Goa. Glad to hear that Leslie is doing well in monsoon, he's a great guy (did he mention if he managed to get over to the UK & Ireland recently)?? Marshall the guy with the tuk tuk is a real character as you say and he's got a weird and whacky sense of humour!!, must be coming up to his first wedding anniversary soon, glad he and "the princess" are still going strong!!
He did tell me he wasn't impressed with the prices in the UK and Ireland, he spent £3000, in 3 weeks and he bought 14 B&H for £5 out of a machine and paid £200 for a meal so I don't think he's in much of a hurry to come back.
Nice report. ( especially good when it is so quiet here!)

I was watching some kids playing in the pool, the usual splashing and doggy paddle, when a girl of about 14 with he knee length swimming suit swam the length of the pool underwater, I was impressed because her arms and legs where co-ordinated and a strong swim, both ways, after taking a breath of air, then I realised she could only swim underwater she swam every stroke underwater,
My hopes of seeing an Indian swim where dashed on the rocks.
I did consider talking to her father and offering to teach her to swim on top of the water but decided not to.

My flight home was much of a muchness, the little television was free and so was the food and drink no crying kids and very good flight attendants, landed on time much to the delight of the pilot.
Then came the culture shock, I had to get from terminal 3 to terminal 1, I was quit tired because I cant sleep on aircraft, there was no other way but to walk, I now know how a rat feels in a warren and I wondered how Londoners spend their life underground. Then the shoe shin with 4 chairs, very good I thought I have never seen them in the UK until I looked up and noticed his price £4

I found BMI checkin queue and waited my turn only to be told I had to go to a machine and punch numbers to get my boarding pass,

A lady had left a small suitcase at the checkin her hand luggage so one of the girls at the checkin put it behind the counter, so after seeing my case disappear I asked the girl if she was updated on security procedure, she knew quite well what I was on about and had failed to call security and had potently left people in danger, as I said revenge was mine, perhaps she wont be so officious with the next tired customer.
This is a hoot --- keep 'em coming Les.
Great report Lez i love reading them, you sound like a funny man
He hasn't worked in the service industry before he worked nights at some factory, after assuring him being a virgin was a good thing and nothing to be ashamed of, he hadn't even had a girl friend, all the time thinking he won't be a virgin for long once the season starts, as I said he is a hansom lad 6ft tall and wide of shoulder.
As with most Indians he wanted to know all there was to know about the UK, wages, food, but mainly girls, he had heard how easy they where and you didn't have to marry them if you had sex,
I did my best explaining that women have equal rights in Europe leaving the ladette syndrome out, he will find out soon enough and most people don't expect to marry a virgin, this he just could not comprehend the vacant look on his face told all about his upbringing.
It wasn't all one way he told me in detail about the Hindu caste system, food and religion, how his family lived, he gave his wages over to his father and his dad gave him money for petrol and bought his cloths, paid off the loan for his 250CC Royal Enfield, he was happy with the situation after all he had never gone bare footed had clothes and had always had food what more did he need?
Just one last ditty about molly's, Ali and I had discussed tipping and we agreed that 10% was a good tip, so when I was tired because of honey bee overdose, all the staff would not take more than 10% tips no matter how much I insisted.
Well that's it I had a good two weeks, nearly completed my to-do list the only

When I arrived home my back door had been smashed in, it is made of steel and aluminium with re-enforced glass double locked and bolted. There was nothing missing that I could see so I went to bed. Next day I went to my neighbours expecting them to tell me that the police had nabbed someone for burglary; no it was the police that had broken the door down.
The old biddy next door had called the police telling them that she hadn't seen me and was worried about me, so the

Love your reports
Take care

Now if it been the chaps from the pub or the Indian take away phoning the bizzies (police) I would have understood.
I had greatly underestimated the cost of the damage done by the police, the door and frame plus the kitchen window are beyond repair and will cost £1500 at mate's rates, so I'm off to see a solicitor today and get the Chief copper to fix it.
As for returning to Goa, I had planned for on or about the 1st of August, my daughter Helen said she would look after things for me if I still want to go, as I said I'm seeing a solicitor today.
One of the problems I have is something to do while in Goa, I have Electro/Mechanical skills but so do many Goans and work for a lot less than me, I'm also a qualified Hypnotherapist with 11 years experience in clinical Hypnosis, I was thinking of doing "past life regression" in bars/hotels for beer money or dinner just a little light entertainment nothing too serious.
Any suggestions?


If you came into a shack I was in when I was there I'd like to be regressed to find out who I was in a previous.
I wouldn't charge too much though as although us toruist would pay it (because we are daft) really you only need enough to live on out there I think I would pay 250 rps (that's what I was charged for a 20 minute back massage)
Hey! on those costs les, you would only need to do 2 customers a day to live like a king.
hope this helps.
How about hypnosis to help people stop smoking etc...I'm sure people would give that a whirl.
GFF xx
I was thinking of just a bit of fun on slow evenings. not making a living out of it,

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