I go to Goa in exactly 2 weeks and 5days. I booked over the internet with Direct Holidays and we're flying with mytravel.
I have received my invoice by email stating its flight only.
When should i expect my tickets to arrive, as im pretty sure they usually come about 3 weeks before departure
can anyone shed any light on this matter/
and also, we will need bagage labels, will we get them when we get the tickets?
we will need bagage labels, will we get them when we get the tickets?
You don't strickly speaking need to but a luggage lable on to identify its your case. All cases get barcoded tags when they get checked in with unique id numbers. The label you put on isn't used unless the case goes missing for easy id. If this does happen, the bagage id number is still used primarily to track the cases whereabouts (i'm speaking from experience!).
Hope that helps,
so here i am mythering you again.

we are flying out of manchester on 16/4 to jamaica with airtours. flight nos are myt025 out and my myt026 back on 23/4. any ideas yet which aircraft these are. i believe one of them they use is 2 2 2 config is this true.
Also i asked my travel airways in manchester on the phone if i could ask for window seats, got told to ring back after xmas and for £25 each they could reserve. we are in premium and didnt want to be put in the middle section as 2 of us are going and these are blocks of threes arnt they?
just rang today and got told that they couldnt reserve seats at all and that we could end up split up within the cabin. if we rang a week before departure they could tell us if we are together but still couldnt tell us where in the cabin.
any way at all of avoiding this as its our 21st wedding anniversary and my hubbies 5oth birthday and our very first holiday in 23 years on our own. dont want to spend it 10 hours apart. each way!!!

It's not showing on OAG and there are no ACARS logs for MYT025/6 for some reason. Strange. It would normally be an Airbus A330-243, but I can't be 100% sure since its not showing on my usual source. The A332's are configured 3-3-3 in economy (the last 6 rows are 2-3-2) and 2-3-2 in premium. This is the seating plan. I wouldn't worry too much about getting split up. If you get to the airport in plenty of time (ie 2 hours prior to departure) you should get the seating you want. There is a risk you will get split up, but if you get their early, the risk is slim.
I'll keep looking and if the flight shows on the system, I'll confirm the aircraft type.
thanks darren, really appreciate any help
We are flying to Trivandrum on 8 March 07 with MyTravel leaving Gatwick at I believe 1740 any ideas what type of aircraft is used for this trip and to your knowledge is the flight direct. Many Thanks for the help.
You flight numbers are MYT043/4. MYT are using their Boeing 767-31K's on that route at the moment, opperating direct as far as I know.
The MYT 025/6 is scheduled to be operated by the A330 aircraft out of Manchester.
Hope this helps?
Thanks Vic8700, that confirms it! Hope you are well?
thanks vic and dazbo for the help and information, much appreciated
Got my holiday confirmation it says Mytravel A330, to Trivandrum, pleased about that, do they have seat back TV's? Anybody know? also best row to sit on plane in the two seaters towards the back.
MYT's A332's have seat back IFE throughout with the added bonus of external flight cams which are superb! Seats are personal prefference.
Have a great time,
dazbo5 is the above aircraft the same as what i will be on for jamaica entertainment wise with seatback etc. in premium seating. thanks
It sure is. MYT have seat back IFE fitted throughout on their A332's. You'll get touch screen seat back IFE with movies, TV programmes, radio, flight information and the best bit, external flight cameras (one forward looking and one looking straight down - the pilots eye one is the best one when you're comining in to land providing its light!).

Apologies for the poor quality of these, I didn't have a proper camera with me the last time I travelled on one of MYT's A332's. You get the idea though. These are a few screen shots of their seat back IFE:

such long flights arnt they?
MBJ isn't too bad, its only 4616 miles from Manchester so about 10 hours flight time. My next flight is 5821 miles and 14 hours including the technical stop

Hi I'm new to this forum but wonder if anyone knows which aircraft is used for the MYT017 flight to Male from Gatwick ? Also does it fly direct from Gatwick? I'm flying on the 29th Jan.

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