I just dont want you guys thinking that I dont listen to you all

Chris wrote:Hi Scoop,
Can you point me at your review and I will go look at it.
scoop wrote:Chris wrote:Hi Scoop,
Can you point me at your review and I will go look at it.
It was the Marina Panorama n Es Cna Ibiza.
As I commented Wasn't too bothered about not being named, Just queried where my "new" name came from :tup
I was "playing" with the buttons at the top of the page, and clicked on the members button, which didn't seem to do anything? Is it supposed to
Sagres wrote:I had noticed that, although we were seemingly getting a regular stream of new members all of a sudden, none of them seemed to be posting - good for the membership statistics, but not much use otherwise.
Aslemma wrote:I haven't received the usual e-mail notifications recently regarding a few posts which I have been following on the Tunisia forum, including a couple today.