As for you, fwh, your expertise was hardly a boon; so if you think this thread is going nowhere, don't reply. Somehow I think you will, as there are other motives involved here!
What motives?
Are we discussing a problem/complaint with the aim of assisting or are we debating/attacking a company?
As a new member perhaps you have not read the T&Cs that apply here on HT.
1 - We do not make personal attacks on other members.
If the reply you receive is not the one you wish to hear (and that is not unusual) then just ignore it.
2 - This forum is to assist people with a complaint. Use as a platform to attack people or companies is also against the T&Cs.
If you were to spend some time browsing the site all your comments have been made before about most of the TOs so you are not saying anything that we have not heard before.
So have you a genuine complaint that you would like assistance with in resolving?