visited this hotel 2 years ago with 2 kids aged 5 & 9 at the time
* yes its much hotter than spain, upto 40 degrees some days although there is a breeze from the sea, make sure the kids slap on the factor 50.
*there isn't a launderette on sight but re; above, all you'll be wearing in the day is swimwear.
* try to get beds on the small island in the middle of the lazy river, then you are near to waterslides, kidclub, splash pool, toilets and drink dispensers where the kids can help themselves, also if you pick the right spot you can watch the kids go up the steps and down the slides from the comfort of your sunbed.
* food is good and not too repetative, lots for kids and kids club excellent, especially wavelength, we hardly saw our son for a fortnight, they took them for burgers and extreme sports in the town and there is dvd, pizza and chocolate parties nearly every night.
* beach not too bad, you will need those beach shoes, especially for snorkelling which is great here, loads of fish to see
any more info pm me
Im waiting for my last pay day to get all the stuff as you do lol did you see the post after yours telling us there is not a lauderette - great - now I will have to pack loads lol but I was going to take some travel wash and do some bits in the bath - as you do lol also it has confirmed to me the higher the factor the better for the kids cos I was going to get factor 40 but I might look for 50. The only thing is it is so thick to put on the kids!
Everything you said about big brother was soo right lol that was the best night! To tell you the truth I have to fast forward Charlie cos she kills me - I could believe it when nobody nominated her!
I really like Gerry though he is so cute (albeit gay lol) l cant stand the model bloke he is so shallow im sure he said he wanted Johnathan out because this was something he could not buy!
Do your kids like Dr Who? We are watching it now although I am truly lost lol
Anyway chat again soon xx
Oh and how are you supposed to get those great sunbeds by the lazy river lol I think we will have to put someone who doesnt like drink and sleep on sunbed duty lol
We can look out for sunbeds for each other i'm sure we can came up with a strategy to get decent ones!! i've got factor 50 for the boys and i think i'll get a 35 for our daughter not sure what i'll use might start with a 15 if is gonna be that hot.
Saw charley today on bb diary uncut and she was trying to do a nicki from last year not very original, i can't believe that only a couple of people nominated her aswell, got a feeling she'll be up this week.None of us have got into Doctor Who found saturday night telly really boring now there's no Britians got Talent looking forward to X Fator think that starts soon.
Do you know what restrictions there is for what stuff you can take on the plane? when we went away last year we had to put everything in see through bags and we had to drink the boys juice in their bottles.Don't have a problem with it coz its for our safety just want to be prepared this time.
Thanks to Shazzie t for all the info will definatly get those beach shoes!
speak to you later

I did a suntan lotion shopping list today lol Im going to be taking 12 bottles lol how excessive but that does include aftersun! Wait for it lol We will have 2 bottles of 50, 3 of 40, 1 of 30, 1 of 25, 1 of 15 and 1 of 10 that should cover it!! Ill take my ambre solare factor 2 too but thats only for the smell - ive had it soo long it probably doesnt contain any factor anymore! God I am so sad!
I have no idea about the restrictions and was prob going to call firstchoice about 2 weeks before. Last year we was in Spain when it all happened and it was no different on the way home.
A good pointer though I am taking some cordial for the little one as I dont want him spending 2 weeks drinking fizzy pop although I suppose I could dilute apple or orange juice.
And as for BB I so hope Charlie goes this week I would soo nominate her lol
Back to work tomorrow so speak then - ill tell you if I buy my suntan oil as I will be soo excited!
Love Lorraine x
hand baggage restrictions can be found in
Hi ya Lorraine,
Can you believe it we have been chatting for 3 weeks now!! We will definatly know each other well by the time we are on holiday!! All those bottles of suncream are gonna weigh you down!!! Make sure you get hubby to carry that case!!!
I think theres a shop on site hopefuly we can get squash and mineral water there,its definlaty worth taking some squash though just incase.The kids are gonna be so hyper drinking all that pop for a week (2 weeks for you!!!) I'm gonna take t bags and coffee with me aswel just incase they don't sell decent stuff there.Got to have a decent cuppa!!
Just had a look on ebay and they do beach shoes for 5.99 for kids and adults sent them an email to see what discount they'll do for 5!!! If you haven't got yours yet its worth having a look.
Can't believe it will be 4 weeks friday till we go, booked it on the 7th january and it was so far off!! now its getting closer i'm so excited i'm the same as you i'm like a big kid myself i'm the same at christmas!!
speak soon x

This was me and another couple last year, kept buying papers to keep up with it. This year though it's a bit dull so I'm not to interested.
3 weeks tomorrow for us

Why is it when I go out to buy clothes for myself I always seem to end up going down the Kid's section

Anyway it's great to see some of you people getting on together well already.
My partner's been to Crete before and says it's well hot. I love Salou in Costa Dorada but even worry that would not be hot enough for me now. I mean by the weather can get blowy or rainy there. You still have to hope the weather is good when you have booked your tickets for the water parks!
Coming from Cyprus holidays for the last 2 years, never a dull day from sunshine from 7-7pm. He states that Crete is meant to be as hot BUT without the cool Cyprus breeze

Oh well it doesn't matter really because no matter how hot a place if the pools are sea are cold, I'm still a coward getting in

Only 3 weeks until we go, are you getting excited i am. i have been checking the weather on wunderground weather and it is high 30's during the day and high 20's during the night, so don't think we will be complaining about the heat. The good thing about Crete is that it is not humid, so the heat should be bearable. I think we will welcome the cold pool.
Lorraine you will be paying excess baggage on all that lotion, the baggage allowance is 20kg per person. you should be able to buy stuff out there.
At least the weather should be better that it is here at the moment.
What is that about the plastic wine glasses, i know about the ones for the kids , not the wine ones.
keeping smiling everyone not long to go now.

how lovely to pop on and see so many posts!
Clare, I cant believe its been 3 weeks - it has flown - if we keep talking like this hopefully the next 3 will too! I bet we still find stuff to talk about when we meet lol I chat for England as if you hadn't guessed!
Could you imagine if us 4 were all there at the same time our hubby's would have a fit with all this chat - we are like Mothers at a Mothers meeting lol
Well I did buy my suntan lotion today and some special hair stuff and nearly keeled over when the woman in Boots said that will be £52 please lol I was worrying I wouldnt be able to use my £2 voucher if you spend over £20!!
I know there are shops there but im quite anal about suntan lotion and the kids, especially this year having a toddler too! I dont let them leave the hotel room until they are creamed which is probably why we never make breakfast lol but you never know with the older ones when you are going to see them again for another soaking!
I won my kettle on ebay so that is that sorted. I will also take tbags and sugar just in case!
Ive bought all the beach shoes save for hubby cos he lost his last pair and although they dont look very trendy I will have comfy and cool feet!
What with all this dreadful weather here it is so nice to lhave something to look forward to and I booked this holiday last May lol
Right better go and catch up with you again tomorrow no doubt!
Lorraine xx

Donna I am so looking forward to escaping from work for 2 weeks. I'm sure that I will quit once I return. 3 weeks still seems so far away, mind you when it gets to this weekend and only 2 it will seem so much nearer. How many times have you visited Crete?
There were some handy tips earlier like getting a lounger in the middle of the lazy river, sounds like a good plan!
redcrop you make me laugh about taking your kettle. When I go away AI, I hope that the kettle is the last thing I have to lift

This is like a mothers meeting,its nice coz we all have at least 2 things in common kids and our love of holidays!!! Beth and Donna i think you two might still be there when me and Lorraine get there so you can fill us in with all the do's and don'ts.
I talk louds too Lorraine so i don't think our husbands will be able to get a word in!!!Glad to hear you've got your kettle don't forget cups!! I'm gonna get all my suncream on friday and a few items of clothing if i see any i like, like you Beth i always end up getting the kids stuff!! they all have louds now so i'm gonna concentrate on me for a change!!
The thing about the plastic wine glasses is that i heard when your round the pool you have to drink out of very small kids party style cups and i personaly can't cope with drinking wine out of one of them.Oh and Beth take a kettle with you and just do what i do get hubby to make the tea

speak again soon x
I know that Beth and I am there at the same time, Lorraine or Claire one of you comes on the Friday and we go home on the Tuesday night. It would be for us all to meet up for a few glasses of wine, i like red but don't mind what. Although to be honest i try not to drink during the day but make up for it at night.
Good idea about the beds, i never can be bothered to take tea, kettle, etc. i only worry that my hair straighteners work and i am happy.
I have been to Crete once 3 years ago and Corfu about 7 years ago. They are having a heat wave at the moment in Greece, oh dear.

I am counting the days until i finish work and i am way behind you all in the shopping stakes, need to shop for everyone including a 13year old boy with very different ideas on clothes, so that should be fun.
I am going to get the Boots aftersun with insect repellant in it as it is very good, i have used it before.
I am so tired from work, i am looking forward to chilling by the pool while the kids are at the kids/teenagers club and hopefully getting through a good few books aswell. Has anyone read The Island about Spinalonga, it is very good and i want to go to the island to see it although it is on the oposite side from us, near to the airport.
Well enough from me, speak soon.

Forgot that you had a 8 year old girl, my daughter is also 8 so she will be excited that at least there is someone the same age as her.
Just need to know if there will be someone my son's age and he will be happy also.
this topic is turning into chit chat..PLEASE keep to the topic or i will have to remove these post... if you want to chat then use the Greek chat thread in the Greek and other islands forum
I am quite happy to move this to general chat but it said it is locked and wont let me post a reply - any ideas?
I actually arrive early hours of Wednesday morning so think I will miss Donna and Beth and of course your review of the hotel!
Hope you have a great time.
My kettle comes with cups!
I do have one question that you may be able to help me with before we move to general chat how much money do you think I will need for the two weeks bearing in mind it is all inclusive? I think we may eat out a couple of times, probably go on a few trips and the kids will want to do everything in the kids club and probably use the banana boat etc on the beach but have no idea how much to take I was thinking £700 ish what do you reckon??
I darent buy any more clothes as I probably wont have enough room what with all my suncream lol
Anyway tomorrow we will probably be moved to chat so I will catch you again then.
Love Lorraine xx
I am happy to move aswell i take it the general chat forum is still on this site?
Lorraine i think £700 worth of euros will be enough i'm gonna take £400 worth,don't want to be spending anymore as that would make the cost of our holiday nearly £4000!!! and thats alot for just ONE week!!!
Just got to mention big brother quickly ( sorry monerator ) Whats going on? Charley's still in there!! glad billy's up can't stand him, so sick of him gorping at himself in the mirror and his not even good looking!!
Before i go does anybody know if our hotel does room service i.e food and drink?
prob speak to you all in the other forum bye for now x
We have an open Greek holiday chat thread in the GREECE AND OTHER ISLANDS forum for all members to use it is

Oh well maybe out of all the people who pass through the hotel only a select few can be bothered to post complaints, hoping it is only the select few !
Well I have a question. Does the hotel have A convenience Room? somewhere where you can shower and freshen up if you have not booked a late checkout. I know some hotels offer this facility.
Oh I don't think a AI hotel would offer room service unless it is you have a genuine problem with your room.
After all once you are out of your room, all is laid on for you, leaving you the less need of carrying much cash around the premises.
They provide saftey jackets and are very freiendly too.
Well Beth I have decided not to worry about the reviews. If it really is that bad then we will all have to complain and they will have to do something about it do you agree??
and Paul thank you ever so much for that. When did you go what did you think of it?
I think it will be you get out of it what you put into it! hopefully lol
Redcrop xx

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