I also told our daughter that there would be a friend for her,her reply was "is he cute"!!!

I haved heard that the food is'nt all that but as long as they have chicken nuggets n chips the kids will be happy as for me and hubby we'r not fussy we'll eat anything, this is our first time in Greece so i'm looking forward to trying some traditional greek food, oh and some ouso!!! It will be peak season when we go so hopefuly like you say everything will be ok.
Wishing away the weeks now, i've already got the cases down and shopping for holiday clothes. The only thing i'm worry about is the boys behaving themselves on the plane have only ever took them to spain and they got fidgity then and that was only 2 hours! Do you know if they have kids tv and do they have the tv's in the back of the headrest's?