Hotel as a whole great time had by us all the only bad thing the food very boring we only there a week that was enough in day from snack bar chips hot dog pizza and french bread with a spam like meat and cheese .We went into the restaurant and that was chips,pasta,three veg,and either chicken thighs lamb ribs(greasy fat) pork in gravey or in curry, a selection of salad stuff .
The entertainment team excellent! kept everyone amused .Kids clubs really good. Its a small complex so you get to know most people there!
Beer is self service via a tap in the outside area you do only get a small plastic white cup the kind you give to kids at a party! also white and rose wine which is quite good , there is pop for kids no 'diet' outside which i thought was bad its cloudy lemonade orange rola cola and lemon and lime , they have coffee and tea and a water dispenser. You had to go and buy lemonade if you wanted a shandy in day which was not good . Inside they gave you glasses a proper pint for the chaps ! Also in restaurant its was a better pop unit with Diet Pepsi 7up orange but this was only open to use at breaky and lunch and tea then it shut but we took some out even though there is signs telling you not to !
Rooms we were in a 6 bedroom it was very big and a lovely view of the sea cant fault that , we had a friend she was facing a building site !
Trips from firstchoice i thought very expensive 49euro for a adult and 24euro for kids . some went on spinalong boat trip and said it wasn't worth the money !
Also my sister had two kids and spent a fortune on kids clubs ie 5 euros for certain things they did then they had a bugs bunny birthday party that as 14 euros then the wavelengh did cocktails on the rocks 5euros then vip party 14 euros , they did dvd and munchies 5 euros . We thought we spent most of our spends on kids clubs! so take a plenty you'll need it for the kids to join in everything! they did do things that were free but not much!
But main thing we did enjoy it . Make sure though you ready for the water its freezing cold but once in you go numb so dont feel it !!! And the weather it was red hot in day but you needed a jumper at nite it was a little windy !