Hi Clare,
I agree with the sunbeds im not getting up early either as long as the little one lets me sleep in lol although they tend to sleep better when its hot!
Ive still got to get suncreams im going to buy Soltan from Boots as its buy one get one free and its supposed to be better than all the brands! I want to pack more so that I know where everything is and dont duplicate my buying lol
Have you all got your beach shoes ive read the beach is pebbly and when we went to Turkey the other year I really couldnt enjoy the beach as I didnt have any.
I go six weeks Tuesday so you will be there 5 days before we even arrive. We probably wont get outside till Wednesday as obviously we are flying all night Tuesday and you must leave Thursday - bloody typical lol
Lorraine x
Ahh but Broncoblue will your towels be on sunbeds lol are you prepared to get up at crack of dawn to save one lol
I will send my lads down hahaah 8 and 11 ..sorted..course i will save you one hahaahaha...as long as you buy the beer hahahaa
Thanks for the reply. I don't know whether it was a problem with ATMs in Rhodes or whether Greece in general has a downer on American Express. We did not use the card as a debit card last year so cannot really comment on that. We did find one ATM that would recognise Travelex when we were in Rhodes but it was 15 miles away from the hotel so it wasn't very convenient. We didn't let it spoil our holiday though and we found that having a back-up visa card meant that we didn't struggle.
Myself, wife and six year old daughter will be travelling from Manchester on the 17th and we'll be there for two weeks so maybe our paths will cross.
of course ill get the beers in its all inclusive lol
We have an 11 year old boy too, well he will be whilst we are there. We go on the 31st July for two weeks what about you?
Redcrop x
We leave late on the friday night so we will be there for a couple of days while you are.Not got any beach shoes yet can't see our kids wanting to go on that beach as they wont be able to build sandcastles!!! Have to say that was the only thing i didn't like about this hotel but i'm hoping the waterslides will make up for it as they look great.
Is this the first time you've taken your little one on holiday? we took our youngest abroad for the first time last year and didn't bring enough huggies thinking we could buy decent nappies out there but all they had was these cheap ones which we had to change every hour,they might have good ones in crete but i'd pack as many of the nappies you use just incase. Anyway wont bore you anymore with baby talk, looking forward to chatting to you when we there.
speak again soon

I guess our paths will cross at some point. Having kids makes it easy for you to start chatting to people. Anyway I emailed the Petra Mare and this was there reply
- Show quoted text -
----- Original Message -----
From: Claire Ryan
To: petramare@petramare.com
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2007 7:01 PM
Subject: Travel Cards
We are stopping in your hotel from 17th July until 31st July.
We have just exchanged our currency and the travel agency persuaded us to use one of these Travelex cards. They told us hotels and restaurants accept them everywhere as it is a debit card.
I would like to ask you if this is true, also does your hotel have an ATM machine and are there any locally?
Thank you for your help, and we look forward to seeing your shortly.
I am wandering now if we should go back to tesco and get the card back into travellers cheques somehow

To me a travel shop should not be selling you something that is no good to anyone.
Anyway maybe catch you there at some point. Just over 4 weeks now. We are flying from Birmingham and have 2 girls ages 7 and 8.
Just read a report in the newspaper today, didn't realise that this was the hotel that the man dived from last year and killed his son and the daughter survived. Not a very nice story to read when you are 4 weeks away from going on holiday. Is anyone going from the 17th July with any teenager children, my son is 13 all the kids on this forum are younger so that will suit my 8 year old daughter. Does anyone know if there is a problem here with mossies. Despite all the negatives we are all looking forward to it.

Do you know if there is a launderette otherwise I will have to take 14x5 worth of clothes lol and not sure hubby will put up with that! I was going to take some travelwash anyway just in case.
Im definitely going to buy a travel kettle cos I love a cuppa in my room!
Have you got any more pointers I should be thinking about?
Lorraine x
Yes I knew that fact when my partner booked the holiday, but thought it's hardly the hotels responsibility, as tragic as the story was. I'm trying to forget about it.
I'm still not over convinced about this hotel. But maybe me being cautious will hopefully make the place out better than I expected.
I spoke to Tesco today, regarding our recommendation of Travelex card. I got a different girl who said that going to somewhere like 'Crete'. She would of just recommended 'Travellers cheques' as some ATM machines are only convenient if you have hired a car!!
However if you take your card back to where you purchased it from, you should be able to withdraw all your access funds from the card and start again.
Hope it helps you, and thanks for your valid information about your experience with Travelex last year.
Infact the lady even told us that recent feedback told her that the card was NOT being accepted in many places.
The travel kettle was one of the first things i packed can't do without a cuppa in the morning!!! Don't know if they have a launderette at the hotel just had a look in the brochure and it doesn't say it has,i think i'll take some handwash powder and wash the clothes in the bath otherwise like you say we'll have to take louds with us and end up having to pay for excess baggage!!!!
What a coincidence my husband's dad and his girlfriend move out to live in Spain on sunday,they've bought a place near Villa martin torrevieja so we are looking forward to some cheap holidays!!!!!
If i think of any pointers i will let you know and like wise please let me know,its hard work for us mum's to remember everything especialy when you have to pack for 5 like us!!!!!

speak soon
Thanks for the info. I checked the websites suggested by the holiday truths moderator and they list 2 ATMs in Lerapetra, one being Citibank who are usually quite reliable. I don't think we'll take any chances however and will probably cash in our travalex card before we leave and get travellers cheques (even though hotel commision rates tend to be a bit of a rip-off) - If your going to get travellers cheques get them in Euros rather than £ sterling - quite often Greek shop owners are quite happy to cash them for you (without any commission) as long as there is no exchange rate calculation involved, and you are not requesting too much money at one time.
Thanks Beth, it was just a shock to read it in the paper as i had no idea. I have been looking on Trip advisor and all the recent updates have been really positive. 4 weeks to go tomorrow.
My other tips are plastic cups although haven't bought those either yet lol
oh and trying not to pack too much lol otherwise it really will be excess baggage and then I really will be in trouble lol
Do you think we will need a travel adaptor? for our travel kettles which incidentally surprise surprise I have'nt bought yet lol
Speak soon
Lorraine x
and as the fit both ways make sure when you plug it in the earth spring on the socket is in line with the earth plate on the addaptor
Oh my god what a stessful day i've had need a holiday now!!!!
Thanks for reminding me about plastic cups heard we need them,can't be doing with them little white ones i'd have to go up to the bar too many times!!!! 6 weeks today you go isn't it? are your two older kids getting excited yet? our daughter is she can't wait to go down them slides,we got a greek phase book and she's even trying to learn a few words bless her, she's also looking forward to meeting your son,we will have to look out for each other on the wednesday so that if they get on they will have a few days together.Oh well better go and start cooking dinner (looking forward to not having to do that for a week!!!) speek to ya soon

God I know where you are coming from needing that holiday and yes youa re correct 6 weeks today and counting lol I want my only concern to be what book shall I read and what factor shall I put on!! my kids are very excited about the holiday but probably not as excited as me - I am like one of the kids lol its all I think and talk about but then as the Mum (like you) of 3 children its quite handy that I do otherwise nobody would be taking anything they need.
My son is looking forward to meeting your daughter and im sure that they will get on absolutely fine and ill get my daughter who is 8 to look after your two boys lol although she overdoses on brothers as her little brother who will be 18 months loves her to bits lol
Speak soon
Lorraine x
Hope the weathers not getting you down too much its done nothing but rain here for days, good job we're going to Crete for some decent sunshine!!! Do you know if Greece is hotter than Spain?
I've got my plastic wine glasses nice large ones!!! Thinking about getting a book aswell i normally buy loads of magazines at the airport to read while i'm on holiday but this time i'm gonna read a book, can you recomend any? nothing too thick though!!!!
With 6 kids between us they should be able to keep each other occupied,i quite often have to bribe our daughter to have the boys!!but she loves em really!
Speak to ya later
Its not been baking or anything but quite nice dont need coats put it that way!
Well a good book lol I know loads im bringing quite a few myself - but a good girly holiday read try Marian Keyes, Jackie Collins, Lesley Pearce all good!
I still havent bought anything ie. plastic glasses, kettle or suntan oil lol but I will!
Just out of interest are you watching big brother??
Speak soon
Lorraine x
Yeah you could call Northampton up north, i'm originaly from North London and although its only about an hour up the M1 when i drive back down it always seems to be sunnier.
I will look out for those books you mentioned can't believe you haven't got glasses,suntan oil or a kettle yet!! "get shopping girl"!! only joking lets be honest we both have plenty of time!!
Am i watching Big Brother you asked me, Religiously!!!! but wern't sure about this year till they done the 100,000 thing, do like Liam though he seems the most genuine one.Charley would do my head in if i was in there but she's worth watching for all the arguments she starts.Loved last night when she got all dressed up for Liam and you could see he wern't interested,then seany pushed her in the pool "brillant" well done to him,best thing his done since he's been in there,but i still don't like him!Look at me going on!! Who do you like and dislike?
speak soon

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