Hi Clare,
God im sick of the rain too but not long now lol getting mega excited!
Its true how are we gonna meet lol I dont have red hair or ride horses lol I chose this name years ago cos I was asked for a name and was staring at some red cropped trousers at the time!
I think the kids will probably end up meeting before we do lol
Descriptions is a great idea but seriously you will not be able to miss us lol we will be the whities from Blighty by the time we arrive compared to you, hubby is 6ft 3, we have my eldest who thinks hes the King bee, a daughter who thinks she is Queen bee and little man who is a cute 18 month old lol
What we could say is say a specific time in reception or on the Wednesday night at the bar/kids disco or something or I could just walk round saying are you Clare and do you post on holidaytruths lol
Do you have any ideas lol
Speak tomorrow
Lorraine x
If we have'nt seen each other during the day (weds) then we could arrange to meet at the main bar (probably near the entertainment i would have thought) that evnening. My hubby is a little bit smaller than yours!!! only 5ft 6 his name is Derrie and he has tribal tattoos on his chest and i hate to say it he will be very tanned by then!!! i'm 5ft 4 and wont be as tanned!!! with longish dark brown hair, then there'll be our daughter who's 11 but looks older and our two little boys 3 and 4 the yougest one is very cheeky!! Our daughter i'm sure will hunt you down as she is really looking forward to meeting your son!!
Can't beleive this time next week we will be there well i will and you'll be at the airport. I've been having a bit of a panic you know the usal stuff have we all got enough clothes have we got enough euro's etc i'm sure we have.
42 in Greece today can't wait bring it on!!! Hope little ones will cope in the heat i'm sure we will get a nice sea breeze.
Oh my god i am sooo excited only 3 more sleeps!!!!!!!!!!!
speak tomorrow x
why don't one of you print an A4 sign " HOLIDAY-TRUTH.COM" and display it boldly on your table??
Ok well you certainly wont miss us cos not only is hubby (who really isnt hubby but partner) 6ft 3 but he has a bald head, earings and a massive tatoo on his back with 3 ladies and sort of a graveyard scene! Now I wonder why I was going to keep that to myself lol but as you will realise when you meet him hes the quiet shy retiring type and im the loud one lol
I think we will definitely see each other Wednesday in the day as you will now be spying on all the new arrivals for a family of 5 with a very tall person as described above lol
I started panicking about clothes etc and ended up buying more shorts for little one!
I am so busy at work at the moment and with the school that lucky I am not going till Tuesday as I would not be packed lol
Only 7 sleeps for me!
Oh and Moderator I like your idea too!
Speak to you tomorrow Clare
Love Lorraine xx
Oh by the way im only 5ft 4 too lol
Got my mum round to pick up our cat so will have to be quick, got a feeling we will definatly meet up as i shoudn't think many 6ft 3 men will have that sort of tattoo!!! Busy cleaning house now and making sure all bedding is washed and mowing lawns so looking forward to doing some serious relaxing.Will probably have our last post tomorrow, can't beleive we will actaly meet each other can't wait as like you and your hubby i'm the loud one and his the more reserved,got a feeling we will get on well!!
speak tomorrow love clare x
Youve just reminded me ive still got to sort the cat out too lol must ask my very nice neighbour!
I was quiet about Si's tattoo as now everytime someone takes their shirt off on Wednesday you are going to be staring at their backs lol
We will definitely meet and of course we will get on we have too much in common not to!
Well it will be your last post tomorrow so I will quickly answer tomorrow but should you miss me I will say now have a safe journey and I hope the little ones are good on the plane, they should sleep on the coach (hopefully) and see you Wednesday for a big sesh (although I might have to save that for Thursday lol as could be too tired Wednesday lol)
Have a lovely few days before we get there, learn the ropes so to speak and then you can show us all round lol
Take care
Lorraine xx
Well this it i'm off on holiday tomorrow! Really nervous about the flight but just have to think how great it will be when we're there!
Your right i will be staring at all the blokes when they take their tops off, i hope i don't get a slap off someones wife thinking i'm eyeing up their husband!!!!
Down to rain while we're away so thats good don't want it suddenly being hot and sunny as soon as i'm on holiday!!!So thats it my final post, see you in Crete hope you have a good flight and look forward to meeting you si and kids on wednesday.
Love Clare x
I recently saw the new Kelly Brook film Fishtales- (good for kids this summer) but what caught my eye was the idylic island of Spetses where it was filmed!! This place looks amazing, simply gorgeous and after seeing the film I booked a holiday for the four of us to go this summer. Has anyone been? We've always enjoyed holidays on different Greek islands so we're certain we'll enjoy ourselves but any tips would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks
please can anyone give me some advise. My parents are flying to greece sunday morning. they are staying in stoupa. does anyone know if these fires are any where near there.
looked on several message board cant find anything about fires in the southern peleopnese have found a news item in testerdays australian press
We too are travelling on the same flight as your parents tomorrow morning. I have checked with Kosmar who say the flight is still on and they have no reports about cancelling any holidays as yet.
Hope this helps
We're off to Crete on 7 September - we normally get some rain whenever we go to Greece - this time I won't begrudge it.
thanks for the replies my parents called the travel agency they booked with and they say that everything is fine as well. feel better about them going now i always worry too much.
Hi first time on this site, please could someone advise me of which greek island is good for children @ the age of 4yrs this will be our first holiday as a family a good friend recommened Zantie but dont want to bullied by the travel agent when i go to book.
Hi Danny, You are spoilt for choice really because the Greek people LOVE children, especially if they are fair haired. We took our kids to Crete, Cyprus and Corfu. You've also got Kos, Rhodes and yes, Zante is lovely so don't feel bullied to go, you will love it. From Zante you can go across to Olympia on the mainland for the day. Good luck in your quest.
Greece is without a doubt the best place to holiday in europe, Its rich culture and history make it such a wonderful country to explore, since my first vist to greece 4 years ago i have since become a student in its language and have made many friends in both greece and cyrpus here on the internet, I am also following greek football in the way of panathinaikos f.c. At this moment in time i couldnt dream of holidaying aywhere else.
new on here, went to zante last year and going again in 5 1/2 weeks

I'm afraid you will have to join the que.. iv been trying to persuade the oh to move for over 5 yrs..
have you started learning the lingo??

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