Hiya Judith.
Yes it's a sharp culture shock when you find yourself at pension age.
No amount of saving and planning for the future stops the thieving government from fleecing you with tax, if you have paid into a company pension.
The state pension is a joke and I intend spending every penny I possess on holidays or whatever...
Who can actually survive on £87 per week.?
I used to wonder how all these OAP's could afford to go on holiday several times a year....
Well, unless they are milking the benefit system, then they must be like us and just spending the savings.
I used to worry at one time seeing the bank balance go down, but not any more.....you're a long time dead, there's no pockets in shrouds and if I had my time to come again...then I would have earnt it and had the pleasure of peeing it up against a wall and more holidays.
Then, when I reached pension age, I would join all the others milking the system, some of them are financially better off than me and I've worked all the hours god has sent.
Sanji x