hi we booked a flight last sept a morning flight to leave at 7 fling with xl from newcastle now its with god nos who
we booked the holiday round the flight as we wernt going back to rhodes because of night flights
so guess what they have changed it to 3 15 in the afternoon and say its not recognised as a major change because its within 12 hours
but it is for us we were getting there at teatime now its after midnight all the shops will be shut and we purposley booked the day flight and paid more
its fraudulant to me to take my money for a flight they havent got
its a disgrace that they can do this is there any advice you can give me
I had the same problem with a different company last year.. i booked a package with early morning flights, they changed it twice [both airline and time] after giving them a severe dose of the verbals [had to get up to the Md's secretary] they changed me back on to my early flight i made it clear the only reason they got my business was flight times as i could have got the holiday cheaper with another agent if i had wanted late flights
As the change is within the 12 hours, it isnt classed as significant and therefore no compensation is due.
You could ask them if you could cancel and get a refund, but I dont think they are obligated to do this either.
Kath HT Admin
but when we look on the airports summer scheduale it has gone
so this is the earliest flight but dont want it its to late
we have booked flights and appartments separate so how do i solve this one
even if i got my money back there are no carriers that have early flights
thats why we booked our holiday round the flight
thanks for the reply
Can you fly from another airport ?
Unfortunately, they may have tried to get that slot and not been able to. Brochures are produced months in advance and thats why the flight times can change and they put the clause in the small print to cover themselves.
Kth x
so how can they sell something they dont have
Have you asked them why it has been changed ?
Did you book direct with XL, and if so what do their terms and conditions say ?
kath x
You could try speaking to them again, to see if they have something more suitable to offer or ask if they will let you cancel and rebook with someone else.
Have you checked somewhere like http://www.travelsupermarket.com who check lots of carriers to see if there is a more suitable flight out there for you?
Though i read somewhere you can get insurance to cover for this situation
If your flight to Rhodes has now been changed to 3.15 in the afternoon, you should get to Rhodes around 9.15 at night, not after midnight. Though I would not be happy either having a change as you do book your holiday around decent flight times when poss.
Give your operators a call again and once again tell them that this time will not suit and is there any other options they can give you.
We have also booked seperately flight and apt to greece for June and already our tour operators have merged on the flights, and we are going from Bristol to Skiathos, but if you look at the websites they have now stopped showing any flights whatsoever flying out from Bristol to Skaithos, sofingers crossed we dont' get a letter saying its been changed to another airport!!!
Unfortunately, flight timings very rarely seem to stay the same from when you book them.

We also had our flight altered from a 8.05am flight to 12.20 , we were originally booked on a XL flight at the moment we dont know who we will be travelling with was told it could be MYtravel .
but isnt that wrong they are taking money off me for something thet dont have
so how can they sell something they dont have
Well maybe it's wrong that they should allow you to book so early in the first place? Perhaps a maximum of 3 months ahead should be standard?
There's no easy answer to this one - if you book well ahead then there is always the risk of changes, usually outside the control of the operator. The upside is that you hopefully get a cheaper price and at least roughly the dates/times you want.
My MEP is looking into the way airlines mess people about and I've suggested this idea to him.
But that's the choice we all have to make - book early to get a good price but run the risk of the times being changed or book later and run the risk of a higher price. But wanting both is unrealistic, if there's one thing we should all now know about the travel industry, it's that you really can't have your cake and eat it. When an operator tells you that 'flights might be subject to change' they are already telling you in shorthand that all the things that steve8482 lists could apply to your booking.
Are their own lives so well organised that they can say with certainty that they will be able to be in a certain place at a particular time so far in front?
The holidaymaker demands that TOs publish holidays and timetables earlier and earlier.
When the TOs do so, they always say that it is subject to change.
But it seems that line should only apply to others.
People who come on to this complaints thread may well be booking their first package holiday or having their first stab at a DIY holiday.
They look to us regulars to explain what has happened.
I fell that if we are unsympathic and abrupt in our replys, it's unlikely they in turn will become regulars and add to the forum to make it flourish, or even bother to come back and write a review.
This was only lindham29's third post and probably their last.
Booking early isn't just about getting a good price, you have to do it to (hopefully!) get the holiday you want!! Years ago I wouldn't have dreamt of booking my summer hols until Jan at the earliest but now I have no choice because the TO's choose to put them on sale so early. I booked my holiday in August and have booked the holiday I want, the accomodation I've chosen is not available should I wish to book now. In my opinion the holidays shouldn't go on sale until the TO's have the flight and accomodation confirmed for that season, but I suppose if they did that then they wouldn't be able to sit on all our deposit money for so long.
my lesson learnt was with X.L when I had booked a friday flight and they moved me to a saturday flight I then had the hassle and expense of changing my hotel booking.
What's complicated about airlines and tour operators being honest? Hang about, you may have a point there....
I mean, what other business could take money off you for something it knows it might not be able to supply (or isn't even sure whether it wants to supply) without giving you any clue to this whilst hiding behind T&Cs that say that when they finally get organised they can scrap the whole plan with no liablity to you other than a refund but if you don't like what they eventually come up with you can't have your money back?
When the average customer sees the phrase "flight times may change" they tend to assume it means because of bad weather, French ATC strikes, security alerts etc.. .
They don't expect it to mean because the airline hasn't checked with ATC whether the slot is even vaguely possible, or because they haven't got round to deciding how many crew to employ/ planes to lease this season and they certainly don't expect it to be because the airline hasn't checked whether the airport will actually be open at the departure time they've advertised (which is what MYT did to me and several thousand others last summer, I'm probably the only one who got a refund).
If you don't like my trafiic light idea, how about some simple statistics. All airlines to publish how many tickets they've sold in the last 12 months - together with the percentage that were later retimed by more than 1 hour/ 8 hours. That could be compiled and published on their sites each month by automatic software.
Also I think 'Flight times may change' should be written in huge letters at the top of every page at the back of brochures detailing flights. Not hidden away in the 12 pages of small print that follow

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