Hi All,
I wanted to start a topic regarding the above. Having lived and worked there for many years, I grow tired of people "slating" the resorts. Everyone know the reputation of Magaluf (which is unfounded as the problems are minimal to say the least and more within the sub-resort of Torrenova than Magauf anyhow) Why do families insist on booking Maga then moaning about it. Its a "fab" place to live and work, vibrant and fun. Thats why I live there and I am no spring chicken! I assure you.
Please guys and girls, can we concentrate on some of the positives? Would you let you teenage kids walk around un-supervised at 1am??? Thousands do in Magaluf and they never experience any problems. Would you do that in a main city in UK? Me thinks not!
If I hear one more person say "its full of Brits" I will scream! What do they expect!!!
I totally agree with you....I'm in my 60's and I love magaluf.I was there with hubby a couple of years ago and saw no trouble at all and we were staying in the Trinidad hotel just round the corner from BCM.It is full of Brits but like you say what do they expect.....if they want a Spanish resort full of Spanish people they don't want Magaluf.
Hoorah at last, someone who see's the resort for what it is! - People with your mindset are welcome back whenever you like :-)
If i hear "its like blackpool in the sun" one more time someones gonna get slapped!!

The fact that there is ALOT less trouble in holiday resorts than your average UK town on a weekend, despite a greater diversity of people. The police DO clamp down on troublemakers and problem bars. And the locals both national and expats do their best to give everyone a good time despite the constant demand of more for less.Should really be appreciated. Yes there will always be examples of things not working right, but for each one there are hundreds where it has.
If people dont like these resorts then dont go. Easy!

Dont slate the place if its not for you, just remember THOUSANDS of people go every week, and they cant all be wrong......
Magaluf/Palmanova has it all, quiet parts, rowdy parts, relaxing bars, family bars, party bars. Great shopping on your doorstep, history, culture, stunning scenery all just a little bit away. So instead of looking for something not to like, look up,look around and enjoy yourself!!
I'm going to Palma Nova in the summer with my wife and 12 year old daughter! We're staying at the family hotel Marina Torrenova! Now if when I get there the hotel is full of 18-30's I'm gonna moan about it!
Now I know that come 11pm Magaluf will start to get a bit mad but I'm sure we'll find a nice bar in Palma Nova or even Magaluf that'll cater for us!
I think during the day the resorts will be lovely for anyone who wants a wonder round! But if you want a quiet night in a bar I don't think Magalufs the best bet!
Yes you are correct with your response, however, Thomson who have sole use of the Marina Torrenova do not allow same sex bookings or group so this is not likely to happen. It is a very popular hotel for Faimilies and is classed as "Superfamily" however I take your point.
There is a huge misunderstanding about Magaluf. Its main street is Avenida S'olivera which granted the 18-30 age group travel along but generally on their way out (when sober-ish) or at 5am. I know the street well and there are many family orientated bars along there and families with young children have a brilliant time is a well controlled safe environment. I know I cannot promote businesses but on that street at the McDonalds end and toward BCM there are a few I could recommend first hand for you guys and I have seen hundreds of very happy satisfied tourists spend many evenings on that street. Punta Balena (the main strip) is like a mini village for the younger generation. They stay up there out of the way and the Police watch them like hawks and tolerate very little!
I think the difference her Chivas is that you already are aware of the perception and consciously making decisions in advance of there being a problem. E.g, if its all a bit mad, we will find a quieter place to go. Making the best of situation and not whining to all and sundry because you sat in a rowdy bar for the night without taking any positive action.
Enjoy your holiday, I hope I will see that I was right on the forum once you return :-)
You say that at 11pm Magalluf is starting to get a bit mad.
At 11pm between the months of April and October at our Bar we are right in the middle of our entertainment programme, be it Hypnotist Show, Drag Show, Tribute act etc etc. It's not mad at all. There are maybe 200 bars in Magalluf, do they all magically start going mad at 11pm - I don't think so.
Magalluf is a varied resort where you can choose the sort of night out you want. If you want mad you can find it, if you wan't quiet it's there, if you want to sit and enjoy Live Entertainment there are dozens of venues to choose from - it's called choice.
Why criticise the resort if it's got parts that you don't like?
I agree totally with MallorcaMagic, not because I'm biased (although I obviously am) but because I live here, and I KNOW what it is like. As you say you have to come here to decide whether you like it or not, but tens of thousands do exactly that each year, and come back year after year after year.
PS If you want a quiet night in Magalluf, come into my Bar tonight. There'll be just you and me!!!
As for 11pm, I meant this will be the time most 18-30's will be out and about! As in walking the strip going in and out of bars/clubs?
I'm defending the place mate, not attacking it!
Keep things friendly please.
I should learn to check my posts. What I meant was why do some people criticise it. I realised you were not having a go, but as MM says, why do the uninformed criticise the place, just because it's got bits they don't like. You obviously choose where you go to bars, Hotels etc that you enjoy, as any normal holidaymaker would. I think some people would prefer a "Stepford Wives" type place where everything is in it's place, everyone smiles etc etc. What a boring holiday that would be! My wife and I love to go up the hill and have a KFC and watch all the Hens and Stags wandering past - it's like a Comedy Show. Very rarely is there any trouble - they are just out for a good time.
Sorry if my posting was badly worded Chivas - no offence intended.
im sick of the bad publicity too , but every place has a resort to kick ( faliraki , aya napa , etc )
but if you dont go you will never know .
what could be a good recomendation is for all those going to mallorca for a hol , if possible get a taxi ride into maga or palmanova , either spend the day browsing or sunbathing on the 3 beaches or in the theme parks or the evening enjoying the entertainment and nightlife in the 100's of cafes , bars , clubs , restraunts etc .
then come back and give us a moan !
To be honest it reminds me a bit of the Benidorm brigade who say it's like Blackpool witht he Sun! Now most people who say it have never even been so how can they even state that? They probably haven't even been to Blackpool they've just heard from a friend of a friend! (Probabaly my mother in law)

I'll have no worries going into Magaluf for a drink in the evening, people watching is all part of the holiday! We only stay out till about 1am at the latest!
I think people need to read up on sites like this before deciding on a place but why go to a place that they know they won't like before they go? Do people go to Magaluf not knowing theres a chance of a fairly young crowd being there?
In all seriousness, I do not have time for people who slate Magaluf having never been there (not saying that anyone here is doing that) If you go for the first time and do not like it then fair enough. There are so many Review sites available now for people to obtain a balanced view of the resort there really is no excuse to be surprised when you get there. For any of you who have read Goodfellow's post regarding the demise (hoorah!) of Pr's, I think good times will return to the area. Stay away tourists may well be tempted to return! I appreciate there are many other up-and-coming resorts such as Croatia, Dubai which are attracting new visitors but Magaluf in my considerable experience of it (over 2 decades) is still a great fun place to go.
I defy anybody to say its any worse than anywhere else in the world. Copius quantities of alcohol + Younger groups + Intense heat + away from the restrictions of the UK = FUN FUN FUN. Not everyone who has a drink wants to cause trouble.
If anyone is in doubt about going to Magaluf. All I will say is "give it a go" a week or two of your life may turn out to be the most enjoyable!
Happy holidays and long live Maga!
To be honest i've never been anywhere that caters to the Brits as much as Magaluf but i knew exactly what it was like before i went last year. I was just looking for a weekend away with a lovely beach for the day and a party atmosphere at night and it fit the bill perfectly. It's a little too commercialised for me to spend my main holiday there but that's down to personal taste, i can see why some love it. In fact it fit the bill so well last year i've booked the same weekend in 2008 with a larger group of pals and i'm even taking my parents!
I'm not disagreeing with what you saying generally, but will take issue with one point that you make, about nowhere caters more for the British than Magalluf - have you been to Benidorm lately?
The wife and I took a brief break there in December after we'd closed our bar, just for a break, and it makes Magalluf look like a traditional Spanish fishing village! I'm not complaining - we enjoyed our time there, but the only people there who were not Brits were the street corner Gypsies!
There is barely a single inch of land which isn't occupied by a 14 or 15 storey Hotel and all the bars seemed to be British.
In Magalluf you will see hundreds (probably thousands) of Spanish Pensionistas between now and April. Over Easter you will see hundreds of youths (age range 13 - 16) from all over Europe taking part in an Annual Football tournament (if you think British lads cause trouble - try staying at the Sol Trinidad for a week over Easter when these lot are here) - there is an increasing number of Russians, Croatians, and Poles coming throughout the year, and (I kid you not) it was spot the British tourist last August when the resort was flooded with Italians who had been sold the Holidays cheap, that the tour companies hadn't been able to sell in UK.
Again, I'm not complaining, but Magalluf is not quite as much the Spanish Blackpool that it might have been a few years ago, and at least (unlike Benidorm) you can walk down the street and see the sky, without getting neckache!

Try getting a tan in Benidorm walking around. Everywhere is in the shade!
At least the local authority clean the resort to a very high standard where as its only a once yearly job in Benidorm.
A friend of mine who used to live in Magaluf has just returned from Puerto Rico Gran Canaria and said "you think Magaluf is bad, you wanna see that place"
So if P/Rico is bad, why is it generally twice the price of Mallorca and sold as a "nice friendly place for all ages"
I totally disagree with both of you. Goodfellow & Mallorca Magic....besides loving magaluf, I also love Benidorm and when I was there over New Year there were loads of Spanish people in the resort and as for cleaning, the beaches are cleaned every morning and the sreets are cleaned regularly and I have got a tan there even in January.Have you never been down the front in Benidorm..mallorca magic you get the sun there all day and as for being spanish...try the old town it's got lots of tapas bars.
Actually i wasn't knocking it at all, it's not my usual choice but i had a great time and will be returning this June

Seems a bit to me you're doing to Benidorm what you're moaning about people doing to Magaluf!
I think this topic has run it's course

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