For a week to Dolphin hotel for me,dp and 2 children.
We got a quote of :-
Adult price 103.00 2 206.00
Child price 619.00 1 619.00
2nd child price 619.00 1 619.00
Child discount -220.00 1 -220.00
Fuel apd & Resort tax 136.00 2 272.00
Fuel apd & Resort tax 136.00 2 272.00
Discount -40.00 2 -80.00
Discount -40.00 2 -80.00
Child insurance 0.00 1 0.00
Online booking discount -53.20 1 -53.20
Credit card surcharge 7.20 1 7.20
Total for your holiday £1562.00
Knowing this is a good deal we booked,paid deposit,and got through email confirmation (they also took deposit).
Virgin have rang us twice this morning to state it was a website technical error (so they say!) and that we have 2 options pay full price which is £3k+ or cancel our holiday.
They have said if the error was technical basically we have no leg to stand on however reading from someone else they seem to believe it was a typo error on prices more so to technical?
I'm not sure what to do? however I shall be seeking advice from CAB (anyway)...but wondered if anyone had any advice?