Hi Goldenclogg,
I've never booked using Teletext or a complete package via an online site either - I usually book our air tickets direct with the airlines' own websites and with the exception of Ryanair (one of my particular pet hates!) find that the pricing is usually transparent these days. Also, it seems to be the way to get the best prices. I have booked hotel rooms though and certainly have found that Travel Republic usually has the best price for the hotels I've been looking for and has never come back with a higher price from the original 'offer' price even though they don't guarantee it.
According to a friend in the industry, most of these booking sites arrive at the prices they quote by a regularly automated trawl of the websites of the hotel chains etc and they are reliant on the said websites being accurate, but of course many of these advertise their lowest prices, which are bound with all sorts of restrictions etc, as the headline price - a bit like Ryanair was notorious for with their air fares. That is what I meant by them acting in good faith, the bad faith is on the part of the supplier that then quotes a higher price from the one featured. This is why the specialist TO my friend worked for wouldn't give quotes for their custom built packages via their website. Instead they asked you to put together your perfect package on their site and then they contacted you later with a detailed price breakdown and often suggestions for how you could do it cheaper if you were prepared to fly with Cubana rather than Virgin (they specialised in Cuba!), stay in a different hotel that had a better offer on at the moment etc. But of course you paid for this personalised service and she openly said that anybody wanting a bog standard beach hotel package would probably still get it cheaper through a mass market site - even if not as cheap as they first thought!
Which brings us back to how come Travel Republic can do it when others can't? Well I suspect that it has to do with them being more selective about who they deal with in the first place but also the sort of hotels I've used them for - always smallish city centre 3* plus and never mass market beach resort hotels. Plus I suspect that TR are not always the cheapest, just the most reliable in my experience and the sort of hotels I've used them for are probably not aimed at a market that shops mainly by price (and hence attracted by the lowest one).