I spent 5 days working in T5 setting up and opening the Sony store there, people were not spending money as they were so p****d off with what was going on.
The majority of the problems were caused by the time it took anyone working there to get cleared to go airside, it was taking staff an hour to get security checked which meant they didn't have enough staff to deal with the number of passengers. It's only at 50% at the moment as the majority of long haul don't start from there til may.
Thank god i only had to be there for 5 days!!!
god help anyone travelling long haul at the beginning of May.
more of the saga. ba sent the luggage back to Heathrow from Mumbai and guess what.........they've lost it!!!!!!! I haven't forgotten about a brief trip report but I haven't had time so far, had other things that have had to be done. Once you take away the airport stories there is not much to say anyway will get it done sometime soon.
Fiona that is so awful, what a time youve had of it. Hope it gets back to the UK soon
What a nightmare trip this turned out to be for you Fiona, at least you enjoyed your short stay in Goa.
Seriously tho' hope it comes back to you safely - nothing is more irritating than lost luggage
we are going to have a welcome home party for it Its been to London, Milan, Mumbai and London so far. Perhaps it got on a plane to another destination!
Fiona the luggage has had a better holiday than you and hubby and been to more destinations
good news- a courier has just come to my door with luggage. can you guess what I'm going to tell you now???????
Its the wrong luggage!?!
Fiona what a nightmare!!! What did you do tell the courier to stick the cases were the sun doesnt shine
anyway - so far my case has started at aberdeen, gone to Heathrow, Milan, Mumbai, Heathrow and now the courier thinks that our luggage may well be in ireland. thats where the bag I got should have been sent to. they were on the same Mumbai flight as us. to be honest, the courier has probably gone away thinking that I am mad as I just burst out laughing.
this is a first for HT- a trip report for luggage.
Glad you can see the funny side and it would have been pointless having a go at the courier, its not his fault is it.
Sorry Fiona, but I am sat here laughing my socks off too. This saga could be made in a television programme.
no it couldn't Polly. It would be dismissed as a ridiculous senario.
OMG Fiona!! Sorry...but....... You couldn't have made it up!!!!!
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