I really don't have much of a report this time round. We really didn't have long enough. I am at the tail end of an illness which makes me tire very easily so relaxation was what I really wanted. (That's a laugh isn't it). With 7 days we were planning to take a trip into Panjim and to Old Goa and possibly a boat trip. We always hoped our luggage would arrive in Goa and, as we had to go to go back to the airport to collect it, we were going to make a day of it and do a couple of visits along the way, But we only had 5 days and our luggage did not follow us.
By the time I arrived in Goa I was totally stressed. We had had the delay, the run through the terminals, a rubbish inflight meal and ages at Mumbai filling up paperwork stressing that we would miss the Jet airways flight. I then finished it all off by stepping off the transfer bus and falling up the step into the terminal. Tony couldn't believe it! Our internal flight was excellent. How they can serve a 3 course meal in an hour's flight is beyond me.
Our taxi driver, sent by Stanley at Kingstork, also tried to wind us up with a tour of Goa before we got to the hotel. He got a bit of a bollocking from us and I have a feeling that he told the others in the taxi stand at the bottom of the road as we had absolutely no further problems with any taxi. We dumped our things( that took 5 seconds) and decided to head off up to the main road to buy the essentials. Rajeesh was a bit bemused with our lack of luggage. Anyone outside of the UK can listen to the words Terminal 5 without being struck by terror.
We bought what we needed for toiletries and realised that suntan lotion actually cost more than in the UK. Our £50 was not going to go far. There were a couple of small bars in that stretch of shops so we decided to sit out at the pavement tables and have a kingfisher and bacardi and coke. Somewhere during that drink, I looked around and felt stress leave. I got up, went into the first shop, and bought 3 blouses and a skirt for £12. I went back and had a second drink! We were going to enjoy our holiday.