PhilbyJ, My opinion is that when globespan flights leave on time they cannot really be beaten for value, the big downside is that there scedules are extremely tight especially the Canadien routes which seem to suffer the worst and when they are delayed it is usually a big delay, however I have used them a lot (not to Canada however) and have never had a problem and have found that the flights were excellent and will continue to use them untill I Get a bad experience, I notice that the flight I will be using to Sanford in September was delayed for nearly six hours on Saturday ironically enough because they used the Sanford plane to fly to Vancouver to avoid that flight being delayed, The Saturday Sanford flight has done this before and I am actually a bit nervous about this now. Fingers crossed though because as I say if they can get the flight times sorted they would be right up there, and in my opinion things are improving especially on last year which was horrendous.