Thanks for your replies. I rang first choice today and they said that they haven't received any complaints about food poisoning or people getting a 'bug'. The woman I spoke to just said that a lot of people get ill over there because of the climate change and different food etc. Which I suppose makes sense. She also said I could change my holiday for £40 but i'm not gunna bother.
Thinking about it, there are thousands of people that don't post reviews on these sorts of websites and I expect a whole load of them didn't get ill. If you look at all the reviews most of the ones where people are ill are quite recent, do you think it's because it is even hotter during june, july, august. The reviews from last year are actually quite good.
I think the weather does play a big part in it. I'm hoping it's not too hot at the end of september. Anyone know what the weathers likely to be then?
I'm still going to go because at the end of the day if first choice aren't receiving any complaints then it can't be that bad, surely?
Anyway does anyone know what the crech is like there? Also is the beach nice and swim up rooms?