i do have to say you have gone a little OTT with your reply, obviously hit a raw nerve there?
i think you took it rather personally perhaps
i dont recall name calling at all either, no use of "bad words"? and i was refering to people that i know not in general or you!!!!!!
as for my observations - merely the fact i have had holidays almost 2 or 3 times a year in many different countries over the last 25 years with various friends, groups, family friends, people that we have met on holiday, or met and gone on holiday with, of all age groups, men and women and i was just pointing our from my own personal observations of them, whom you dont even know, what they are like with their attitudes. some are ladies and some are gents and some are not, some are just rude and ignorant, and some just down right vain.
all of which are from all walks of life and 99.9%, (solicitors, police, barristers, teachers, city bankers, etc), of them we have remained friends with for all these years..........
so i dont see that it was at all necessary for you to take it all to heart and think it personal,
i dont even know you.
perhaps you are having a bad day.
i dont see any of the others being torn strips off by you for what is their blunt opinion. ie doepsmc or Jay Trip,
perhaps no one should reply to this thread, as it is obviously hitting a nerve with a few people.
i wont be, and already turned off the notify sign to email.