Fact - HT has a membership of 49,252 - a small percentage post on a regular basis giving help, advice and information. Some of those people have specialised knowledge of the travel industry, insurance and other items that relate to holidays. Some members actually live in other countries and again use their expertise to assist.
Everyone who posts here on HT has one thing in common. They have taken a holiday abroad and so are aware of what it is like when someone asks about a problem. There are many sites similar to HT and it is a matter of choice which one you frequent. I personally have found those others I have visited lacking the friendly helpful membership here on HT.
I said that a small percentage of members post on a regular basis, and that is the downside. Whilst members try to assist anyone who has a problem, many who ask for help and advice fail to tell us the outcome or having had a successful conclusion because of the advice they have been given cannot bother to try to assist when someone else has a problem.
TOs and travel agents are in the business of selling holidays, just as, for example; your local car dealer who is there to sell cars. Not every car is perfect and neither are holidays. Unfortunately when someone has a problem with a holiday the only contact you have with the TO is by telephone or in writing. You can go into your car dealer and confront them face to face.
Anyone who spends time reading through the various posts will quickly see that all TOs fail badly when it comes to after sales service. There is not one TO who can honestly claim the title for the best - they all fall down at sometime and that is what HT is here for.
People who post for help or advice often claim that what they are told is no help. They do not like the answer that they are sometime given. If those people took time to think rather than complain at the answers given they could save themselves time and money.
Not every problem can be blamed on the TO, agent, airline etc. I remember one complaint was because a plane was diverted when someone was taken ill. They considered it should not have been. They were not happy when it was pointed that it could have been them and were asked how they would have felt if it had been them and their illness had been ignored and their life been put in danger.
Sometimes life is like that. S**t happens.