Never been in February, but have been to the Canaries at Easter for the last few years and we are returning to Fuerte this Easter. Will be taking warm jackets for the evenings and some nice fleecy pyjamas to wear at night!
Last time we were in Fuerte (first 2 weeks in April 07) it was
blazing hot in the sun during the day, but we had a fair bit of cloud and a few drops of rain. You'll probably find it's either hot sunny mornings followed by cloudy afternoons; or vice versa - cloudy mornings and sunny afternoons
There was a fair stiff breeze too, which made the evenings quite cold! I remember having to tell the barman not to put ice in my drinks at night because it made my teeth chatter too much! After a few nights I started drinking hot chocolate with a large dash of Tia Maria - the barman was amazed, he'd never heard of such a thing!
However, despite the chilly nights and cloudy half-days, I came home with my best ever "colour" (I'm a redhead, so I don't "tan", but can manage a "glow" if I work at it...) My daughter, who tans well, was still a lovely colour well into the summer - so it's not too bad really!