I remember the 1969 F A Cup final when my team let Sliema's team win 1-0
I refute this vile alligation, I want it on record that Sliema2 never has and never will be a Man City supporter in any possible form of the word, however Dave you may be interested to know that Neil Young (the city scorer that day not the long haired hippy canadian singest) was a milkman and may even still be after he left Maine Road in and around the town of my birth, St Ockport-on-Mersey, a sleepy Cheshire hamlet in the foothills of the Pennines nestled tranquilly on the banks of a babbling stream that eventually makes it's gentle way to the Irish Sea, another sporty thing you might be interested in hearing about Dave was the time I tripped over Alex "Hurricane" Higgins in Yesterdays in Aldereley Edge, he was lying on the floor at the time taking a nap I think, then there was the time that the great Engalnd And Lancashire cricket Captain Mike Atherton accidentally (I hope) widdled on my foot in a well known boozer in Didsbury great pate and cheese lunches in the Roayl Oak and jolly good Marstons bitter, and before you ask yes it was in the gents not the snug, however balance wa restored when I did the same to Curly Watts in the Nelson by accident of course, I have many more stories to tell such as the time that Don Brennan of Corrie threatened to stick one on me for taking the mickey out of his limp that was funny, also that night out with Lisa Stansfield but cannot say to much about that apart from what a lovely lass she is, anyone else got any funny stories regarding well known peeps ?
ps Charlie
the final itself was worthy of 2 great teams.
I agree with you Missus

just a shame that there was only one of them there

Barcelona ! Barcelona ! Olé Olé Olé !
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2009-06-01 13:16:47