Terms- and conditions of booking for package holidays
Most of the T's and C's have clauses such as "We may change airlines or aircraft types at any time; this does not count as a Major Change". Nowhere in these T's and C's does it say that as a result of this, a paid premium upgrade may not be available.
Should such a clause be in these T's and C's? Would such a clause result in people not booking premium seats as they are in effect not guaranteed? Another member here on HT mentioned the words "false advertising". Is there a case of this? You are paying for an upgrade, the carrier fails to provide the contracted service. Wouldn't that be a major change and therefore subject to right of cancellation and compensation (depending on when this change was made)?
Planned or unplanned change of aircraft
I think that most would understand that on take-off the pilot discovers it is not safe to carry on and therefore an emergency plane is brought in that doesn't have premium seating.
But is it right for an airline/Tour Operator to change aircraft for their commercial benefit. Change it because a certain destination is suddenly becoming popular (the destination that had a premium cabin) and therefore an economy only plane with more seats is routed instead?
A lot of questions. Who has some answers?