Holiday Complaints

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Thanks everyone for your support. A balcony is important to us on holiday as we like to get our son settled down with his portable dvd player and we can chill with a glass of wine, this was not to be for us.

Fiona I wouldn`t have book either but no where on any websites did it mention that there were so many rooms without balconies and I presummed that there were only a few without. I won`t every presume again.

Thomas Cook/Sunset are still selling rooms for this year with balconies on their website but I know that the rooms for 3 def don`t have them.
To be honest I am not wanting any money back, it was a good deal I got for my holiday, what I want is to make other people aware of my misfortune then it won`t happen to them. I didn`t let it spoil my holiday but it would have made it perfect if I had what I was promised.After all you can`t do anything about things once you have arrived in resort especialy when everywhere is full in August.
I will give Thomas Cook the chance to reply and if not satisfied I will contact Trading standards and yes it will serve them right if they get finned.
It might not have been worded as well as it could have been but I was sympathising with you- I know you booked the hotel because you were told you would have a balcony/terrace and saying that I would have done the same. You were totally misled and ended up in a hotel which you would never have chosen had you been told the truth. I wish you the best of luck.
Fiona, I hadn`t taken it the wrong way, I know you were sympathising with me and thanks for your support.
I have recieved a reply from Thomas Cook, they thank me for feedback and they say they are sorry I was dissapointed that I didn`t have a balcony and they will pass my feedback onto their supplier.

I think I will have to contact Trading standards about this mattter as they are still advertising rooms in the hotel with balconies.
I have had a reply from Trading standards and they have advised my to quote the supply of goods and services act 1982 to Thomas Cook and that they are in breach of contract for not supplying a balcony.

I am sending a further letter to Thomas Cook seeking damages and if the response is not satisfactory that I can take further action.

They also have noted my complaint and have passed it on as they may have committed an offence under the consumer protection from unfair trading regulations 2008.
Well done, I thought Trading Standards would show an interest. Please continue to update us.

I will do Peter, I am not one to complain but if you book something you expect to get it.
I have recieved a reply from Thomas Cook, they say they will be reviewing my entire case and within the next 28 days they will contact me again with a view to bringing this matter to a satifactory conclution for all concered.

Trading Standards have passed my details on to their Peterbourgh office as this is where Thomas Cooks head office is based.

I will update as soon as anything else happens.
thanks for updating. It will be interesting to see the outcome. Good for you for persisting :tup
I have today been advised by Trading standards that Thomas Cook have investigated my complaint. They have been in touch with their overseas team who have found out that there weren`t balconies in every room at the Vista Mar in Es Cana. They now have amended their website and are now selling rooms with the correct description. They will be writting to me with an offer of compensation.

I am so pleased that I have a result, if I had not contacted Trading standards I wouldn`t have got the result I wanted.Thanks for everyones help with this.

I will update with more info about my compensation when I recieve my offer.
Well done :tup You have a result even before any compensation.
Good news Christine and well done for sticking to your guns :tup
Good news, second case in a week (of the ones I've been watching) where the tour company has "come round" to our way of thinking!!

If they offer vouchers make sure they are for a lot more than any cash you would have settled for and watch out for how long they will be valid for - £25, use by end of year, is not good enough!!
Today I have recieved a compensation offer of £75 from Thomas Cook. I think this amount is unsatisfacory. I am now considering contacting my credit card and asking for their help in this matter.

The letter also stated that they have reviewed my case because Trading Standards had contacted them. I think it is disgusting that they wouldn`t investigate my complaint throughly before I contacted Trading Standards.

If I don`t get any joy from them I may take this to the small claims court.
Final update to my complaint, I have recieved a cheque today from Thomas Cook for £150.

Thanks everyone for your advise in this matter, I am pleased that the Hotel room description is now correct and the money will come in handy as well.
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