Spain - Costa Blanca Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in the Costa Blanca.
This is a genuine offer, As they have actually started doing this from their own website which is below.
A few questions
If it's a phone call deal only, how did they get your phone number.?
I can understand them obtaining it if you bought a product because they'd want a delivery address/phone number, but I'm not aware that you give your details over when going on a trip, I thought they just needed to know the hotel you're staying in.?
The website says they have teamed up with a fully licensed travel agent, who exactly have they teamed up with ? ......and why can't they say who it is on the website.?
They are only making this offer available to existing clients and people who have been on one of their famous green tours.........that would be quite a few million people then.? :rofl

Scam or marketing ploy.? It seems a strange venture for someone to branch out into the travel business, at a time when they have their existing business up for sale, and anybody who wants your CC details and then will send via post the details, IMO is not being up front with the fine details.

This reminds me of another firm who phoned people offering great prices on holidays and a free week-end city break, and it wasn't a scam as such because the company and holidays did exist, but they didn't tell you what was NOT included in the fantastic "too good to be true price" and inevitably the week that you wanted would be already booked up"¦.and when you added all these extras onto the price, which were not extras at all if you consider food or some type of board being included in the hotel, it worked out the same or dearer than a well known TO.

I don't know the date of the listings, but looking around the Internet, I was surprised to discover the Green Tour Company is up for sale if you have €5.000,000 spare, and also the Don Quijote restaurant venue in Alfaz, which the Green Tour Company use to hold their demonstration, and if you want the whole shebang lifestyle package. "¦House, business and restaurant"¦...All yours for €9.25 million.

It might just be coincidence, and I might just be too long in the tooth having had my CC cloned twice within months of the first time ever.

Aha! If the Green Tour is running it's new venture from the Don Quixote, then I don't think it's a ????. I know someone who works for them and she's working from there in a "call centre" for a holiday firm. I'm presuming it's one and the same!!! I don't know how they get your details tho.
hi everyone. As one person trusting enough to book a holiday with the infamous green tour. I hate to burst the bubble for anyone who still believes that honesty is still printed in the dictionary, Then that makes 2 of us.
On 1st feb 10 I foolishly parted with 830 eruos, tempted by an offer too good to be true. But ive been on plenty of blanket trips and bought their products. they'd phoned me 4 times since returning in Oct 09. but this included 2wks hb in Benidorm plus a 7day ai cruise then 7day ro in Orlando.. But there is and never was a holiday. Ive phoned emailed written without any booking .At the moment im intouch with european trading standards, If anyone else out there is as naive as me their email is a contact name is Wojtek. Another aproach is that some banks offer a service called charge back, a bit like the protection you get with plastic. I just hope that this info will help others who may receive the phone call from you know who. good look to all those trusting honest people out there. I hope you dont make the same mistake... :sun2
Hi verso,
Very sorry about you bad deal with green tours i just hope your bank can get something sorted for you .Please keep us posted on whatever the outcome is . Mazza

Verso I had the same experience with the Green Tour Company, We have been on many trips with them and my friends have purchased the bedding. They contacted us in October offering us 14 nights in the Don Pancho Hotel half board for 3 people. We thought this deal was to good to be refuse but it turned out to be to good to be true. They never asked for any contact details for anyone going on the holiday they just took the credit card details and that was the last we heard, until we received a letter from the regarding the holiday which was nothing like we discussed or agreed to. It was self catering accomadaton for 3 people, on the letter it gave no name of a apparment etc. We contacted the company on several occasions to discuss the matter but had no joy, we could not get through to anyone that we had spoke to regarding the deal we agreed to. We paid by credit card so contacted the bank to try and get our money back. After months of stress and worry we still havent got far. The bank have now said that because it was a verbal agreement and we have nothing on paper then they can not take the matter further and Green Tours have said we can have the Half board accomadation at a further cost. Did you have any joy with trading standards? As we would like to continue the on going battle of getting our money back.

I hope Green Tour are proud of how they treat 3 83 year old women !

I would be grateful if you could get back to me regarding this.

thank you

This should have been us :sun2 but instead :cry
Hi Popirene its Verso.. Firstly do'nt feel embarassed about this, nor should you feel ashamed. I'm seventy now and to put honesty first and trust another humanbeing is in my opinion a vertue.We i'm proud to say were brought up when truth and honisty were fashionable. Now it's fashionable to be dishonist, My latest contact with these er well i can't say here. Was this week when out of the blue XXXX XXXX, (how coincidental is that name) phoned me to sell me another so called holiday, he called himself the floor manager. He prommised to get back to me, and surprisingly someone did, her name is XXXXX (spanish) very profeshional and polite, unlike XXXX. She said that she would email with a confirmation letter and she did. 1st Oct 2wks in the Ambassador hb for two. For a brief moment i beleived it and think most trusting people would want to but i do'nt. So i emailed back to say if when i email the hotel and my reservation has'nt been made. Then it's a SCAM. :think
  • Edited by David 14 years 11 months ago
    Edited to remove personal names
Hi im sorry it took so long. I've been to the bank today and signed a declaration form and returned it to the fraud dept. No news from the international trading standards. One very interesting piece of news is that the royal bank of scotland have just introduced the same protection on a debit card as a credit card, i dont know if that helps you or anyone else in the same boat. Finaly please please do'nt give up on this talk to as many people as you can spread the news, We are the tip of the iceburge and have the guts to do so.. I will be in Benidorm come what may and will certainly be on the INFAMOUS GREENTOUR All the best VERSO.. stay in touch.. :sun2
Have you contacted the Hotel to see if a resveration has been made and have you had an email with the confirmation on? How did they come to offer you this hotel? Have you paid any extra cost to what you paid in the first place?

Thanks so much for all the information you have given me.

Sorry for all the questions but im so fed up with all of this I just want it sorted.


  • Edited by popirene 14 years 8 months ago
Hi Popirene sorry ive no news as yet, I will contact the ambassador in the next 7days and will get back to you. Dont hold your breath. XXXXXX (spanish) has not returned my email considering it was to the point, that does't sound very hopefull. I think she hoped to shut me up.
How she came onto me? XXXXXX XXXXX phoned me and tried to sell me another holiday. Then XXXXX phoned me.. Do phone Wortek on 08456 04 05 03 and ask for Wortek.. Thats uk european consumer centre..
All the best. verso ;)
  • Edited by David 14 years 11 months ago
    Edited to remove personal names and contact details
Hi all especially Popirene or anyone unfortunate enough to be caught by the famous green tour/lifetime travel/marketing solutions/travel temptations/and finaly the royal sleep company. What an insult to the term royal.
Anyway to the point i promised to come back with a final conclusion of my seach. The so called reservation in the Ambassador hotel Benidorm has not been made, reception had no reservation in my name and that proves this is a scam. Just last week they tried to sell me more holidays the cheek of it. So ive drawn a line under the whole experience and will now move on. If any money does get reclaimed i will let you know, but do'nt hold your breath.
As someone said to me do'nt live under a cloud. :sun2 Kind Regards Verso
Hi Verso. Just wondered if you have had any joy from Green Tours or the Bank.

Have you got any money back etc. I am still trying. but no joy up to now.
All the best Pop Irene
hi Popirene Im sorry to say that i dont have any concrete news. But the latest in this sarga is this. The hsbc have just credited my account with the amount they owe me, this is called CHARGE BACK, but the second line of the letter says that if it can be proved that lifetime marketing solutions as they now call themslves are not a scam then hsbc will extract that money from my account, so thats why nothing has changed {sorry} The bank gave their bank 30days to respond and 40days later nothing.. So im now waiting until my holiday is due to prove, what you and i already know. I dont know if they are still phoning you but they'v phoned me as rcently as last week wanting more business. sorry i meant more money.. did you try the international trading standards ??? Make sure no more money goes out of your account..
I promise i will let you know the outcome as soon as i know anything... :sun2veso...
Thanks very much for your swift reply. Still Hopeing. Pop Irene
After purchasing bedding from the Green Tour over 2 years ago, last year we started to receive telephone calls daily selling holidays, it was getting beyond a joke, as they had to have our contact details for delivery, but I remember at the time of the demostration there was a free raffle were you put your contact details down on a piece of paper and handed it in to be drawn so they had your information if you bought anything or not. So if you go on a free trip do not put the correct name and address on the raffle - the prize on that occasion was - shoe insoles.
Had a call from XXXXXXX of Green Tour this week saying I've won a prize,I gave my contact details when on a trip in Costa Blanca. Apparently they do a grand draw every 5 years,previously the prize was bedding,this year it is holidays.For an admin fee of I think £399 I could have 2 holidays in Europe for up to 6 people paying for some flights and getting others cheaper through them via a special offer card that would be included in the fee.These could be taken over a 5yr period.The other offer was an all inclusive cruise and stay to Mexico/Orlando with Royal Carribean for 4 people again over a 5yr period. The cost for admin for this offer would be £599 including the card. This came down in price when I said I couldn't afford it. I asked for the offer in writing but was told this was not possible as I had to decide and pay over the phone straight away. I said I needed time to think but would prefer bedding or juicer as an alternative prize.I received another call next morning offering £100 off admin costs towards a juicer and when I said I couldn't justify spending the £299 asked for up front she reduced it even further to £199 asking me not to tell anyone else on the cruise what I'd paid. A lot of what she said didn't ring true and after reading these posts I'm glad I didn't part with any money. I seem to remember an elderly lady being on the 'Dom' show on tv earlier this year after parting with money for the card and him getting the money back for her.Maybe anyone having parted with money should contact Dom or watchdog,these people need to be stopped.
Hi Verso.

Not heard from you for some time. Have you any more news. The last time I heared from you was in June. Please let me know how you have got on. I am still trying to get my money back.

Thanking you PopIrene
i've been ???? as well - am angry with myself for not trusting my gut instincts but the representative lied so convincingly that i was taken in. don't suppose i have any hope of being refunded but obviously i'm giving int a try! would other people let me know what luck (or not) they've had and whom they've reported it to please?

Also .... just remember to cancel the loyalty card contract otherwise they'll be whipping £99 off your account in January!!

Hi Helen.

How long ago have you parted with your money and what was the holiday promised to you
Did you pay by credit card. PopIrene
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