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Re: A1 Travel
96 Posts
hi suemog finally heard back from sandie this morning!!!! said that processing refund for accomodation by the end of the week and will send a cheque out heres hoping!!!!!

have you had confirmation from the caa yet that they have your forms???? my parents who went through on the beach recieved there money back from the caa today :( so if a1 had been on the ball we would have had ours too.

also did you check if you had recieved confirmation from custom flights themselves???? as we had a letter from caa asking for that information and had to explain that we only recieved confirmation of booking from a1 not custom flights.

well hopefully things are looking up!!

let me know if you have any progress

x x x x
Not heard a dicky bird since - we are just giving her until end of March as promised.
Did she send a letter or e-mail? Not heard from CAA but will check what confirmations
we got when I get home. We did photo copy everything received and sent it to A1
but can't remember what was there. We did receive an accommodation voucher and
flight voucher but not sure what it said at the top.
Will let you know x
  • Edited by suemog 2010-03-18 15:03:31
it was an email hun, i emailed her to see when wed get the refund as she said it would be when the forms were recieved, but caa have written to them on our behalf as well now so that might have helped!!! we had both flight and accom confirmations but they were from a1 so got to see where we go from here now.
Hey Locketts08- guess what - had a cheque this morning from A1 for accommodation refund.
Letter states that other forms have been sent off now to CAA.
Can't believe that the flying pig is really out there - let us know how you go on
Sue x
wow!!!!! thats great, we still havent recieved our cheque yet so hopefully should get ours too soon!!! did they waiver your cancellation charge??? x
sure did - as we know they hadn't paid out for accommodation I
don't think they had any choice - they were getting a bit of a
I too am having problems with A1 Travel. The pictures posted on their website of the hotel I booked actually turned out to be of a different hotel. All inclusive wasn't and what was made you ill!! This is a very condensed version of the holiday from hell, and A1 have simply said 'sorry you didn't enjoy your holiday, we hope you will travel with us again'.

Anyway, I have been on the CAG forum which is really helpful. I have complained to Trading Standards and to ABTA although I don't expect to achieve anything - I just want to cause as much irritation to A1 as possible. Please check out CAG as there are some people giving very good advice!
Although they have come out 'sort of good' in the end - I personally won't book with them again just because of the frosty
reception we got with customer services. We will now stick with Thomsons whom we have had no trouble (so far) and maybe try Broadway Travel and Hayes Travel as a friend of mine always goes with these.
I am now on count down to June - I go to Turkey (with Thomsons) 5 star Ultra All Inclusive - fingers crossed we will get there - and hopefully it is as nice as looks in the brochure
oh suemog we are going to turkey in june too lol and we have booked with thomsons how strange!!!!!! to be honest it was our 1st time booking with unknown travel agent online and it has definately put us off!!!! just glad we not flying with BA or it could have been xmas all over again lol xxxxx
Wey hey - just got a letter back from CAA with our claim number - it will be going back in todays post !
Have you got yours yet Locketts ?
hi hun thats great, yes we had ours when we first sent the forms to them hun x x x hopefully shouldnt be long now then hey!!!! :) x x
Dont touch them with a bargepole. They offer no support whatsoever if thing go wrong. They washed their hands completely when our flight was cancelled, charging us for everything including transfers, accommodation even a late booking charge. They stated it was nothing to do with them. Book through reputable companies, not A1 Travel.
Keep on at them Wiggy - we did and they have paid out the accommodation money including the cancellation fee that they said they were going to deduct because we had found out from low cost beds that they hadn't even paid them.
Just waiting for the flight money back from the CAA now. Luckily we hadn't booked any transfers.
Just been advised by the CAA that refund should be in our account by end of this week - beginning of next - woopee will have
to book another holiday.....................
Well well well - money was back into our account from the CAA on Saturday - hope you have
yours Locketts - I will miss our little moans and groans about travel companies.
Let me know how you go on in Marmaris and I'll tell you what Voyage Torba is like !!
ours is no where near yet hun, we never recieved confirmation from custom flights so trying to get in from a1 and guess what havin no luck, emailed loads and rang but just keep saying they'll check it out, and now caa have had to write to them for me as we havent had any luck!!

really glad for you hun xxx and really hope you have a great hol in june xxx bet you got the champers out when you saw it go in hey hehe xx
Sure did - looking for an October holiday now. Might save that money for New Year though and go back to
Hey Locketts - not heard from you for a while - have you got your money back yet?
Not long to our hols now is it - just hoping this ash cloud goes away or it will give me
something else to moan about and after the last saga we don't need it - do we !!
NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A1 still havent sent the CAA there part of the paperwork for our claim, i have been on the phone for 4 weeks trying to get the custom flights confirmation that we needed, sent that to CAA and then they turned round and said they are still awaiting A1's sections of the forms so as you can imagine im very peed off at the moment x x
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