Hya guys, well, am off to mexico in just under a fortnight and have started packing ( yes, I know, may be a tad soon but its obviously gonna take me 2 weeks to get rid of most of the stuff i've packed !!)
Only have 15kg of hold luggage, just weighed daughter's empty case, 5 kg !!

, now, bless, she's had a spending spree with birthday and xmas money, so wants to take just about everything in her wardrobe, so, we just had a bit of argybargy about being brutal and saying 20 tops, 10pairs of leggings, 3 tutu's is a tutu too much
Also, I've just realised that my suntan lotion, shampoo, aftersun, probably weighs another bloomin 5 kg, so, whats a girl to do ?
Sorry guys, not really a question, more of a rant really !! sure i'm not alone in this !!
cheers all,