The jeep safari to see the Blue Fish is a must Nik
I wrote this about 4 years ago the first time I went to see these fish.
Jeep Safari.
One of the most exciting days out has got to
be the jeep safari to see The Blue Fish.The only time I have seen these timid creatures is on the jeep safaris from Icmeler.
Most trips do the waterfall and the carpet factory along with all the obligatory water fights but these jeep safaris gives us a chance to try and catch a rare view of these freaks of nature indiginouse to the Bozburun Penninsular.
Their habitat is among the deeper water near the river banks were the trees give some shade and cover.
It was not possible to see them this May due to the cold water temperatures and too much cloud cover,but on previous visits during the warmer summer months 2 or 3 jeeps full of tourists would park up near the river.
Leaving behind our water pistols and bottles and all thoughts off water fights dispelled as we set off walking down the river to confront nature at her quirkiest.
Ankle deep in water we slowly and quietly paddled our way towards the small breeding area.
There was no sound except for the water gurgling over a few rocks and stones that were in its path as it gently meandered on its way.
Birds call out to each other,warning that strangers are entering their world.
The guide stops and beckons us to an area of deeper water,trees lining the river with overhanging branches,the sun glinting through the leaves and sunbeams dancing on the water.
We all quietly move to the area were the guides are trying to coax out a small shoal of these shy elusive creatures into our sight.
A voice at the back whispers "I cant see anything",The secret is you have to get to the front,be patient and the reward of peering into the depths will surely be rewarded.
Everyone left happy,myselfe I felt humble,also a feeling of exhileration that I had just witnessed something that most people never experience on a normal jeep safari and that is the phenomena that is " The Blue Fish".