Hi Jords,
Many Thanks for your reply, I have looked into this in great lenghts now and I agree with you I have enought time to do this the legally, at least that gives me peace of mind.
However just for conversation and im not advising anyone, after a lot of research and
I BELIEVE the USA only have access to certain UK records and my 20 year old conviction would not be on it, nor would your 26 year old record either. They would only know if you declare it.
I believe if you have your 2 week holiday plan, your return ticket, spending money, hotel booked, park tickets if your of to disney, then I dont believe they will do any background checks on you. but if you turned up with a tenner in your back pocket and nowhere to stay then they might be a little suspicous.
As for the finger printing when you arrive thats only for their records, just in case you commit a murder and leave all your prints behind.
So I dont think ESTA is any different to the form you used to get on the plane where it seems no one declared their criminal record and just lied anyway, its just cuts out the admin and they can charge you for it.