Yeah i do know what you mean, i did have one phone call like that aswell actually but i cant remember which time, lol.... yeah thats right as my husbands convictions are on the certificate he doesnt need court records whichs good!! we took those the first time & that was before the acpo came in, and im pretty sure they kept them!!
i do think its annoying you have to ring twice, as it is so expensive, i wish they would take payment details etc on first call as they do, then after you wait & get you email after submitting the documents you could select an interview date online or something which would be free!!
i do have to say though with this new process, when i rang back after i had emailed the documents etc & got an email to say ring & make the appointment, the waiting time for the appointments was very quick, i cant remember exactly, it may be in an earlier post of mine, but it was in a few weeks im sure, where as when ive rang before there had been quite a wait!! also he was in & out of the embassy very quickly, only about an hour, which compared to 4 hours in 2004 is very good! then i think in 2008 when we went it was a few hours, so it does seem to make your time in there quicker.
also now when you go, they have changed this part along with the DS160, if like you & my husband & need to be recommended for a waiver, your given a number & you keep checking online for your case status update etc, i like the idea of this, so we will have this next time. so they dont email to send passport now, its all on their website....
like you say i love going aswell i guess after a while we get used to this, i dont like emailing the documents though, im not very good with the scanning etc, so i get him to do that, lol.