Was that just the initial claim form from the rep Lee?
It may have changed but when I claimed a couple of years ago I filled in the complaint form with the rep(which I got a copy of aswell) then on my return(and within a set time limit) I had to send in more detailed information of my complaint along with any other evidence.
At the time it was the case of loads of people were putting complaints in and I know for a fact that the sooner people got the complaint in the better amount of refund they received as loads of us kept in touch with each other at the time to compare notes.
No, you need to give them 28 days to respond.
We just filled in the claim form from the rep - he told us we would get a reply within 28 days...but my wife only got diagnosed sonce we got home - they dont know about this yet..
You need to follow up your report made in resort with a formal written complaint. Make it short and to the point and send it by recorded delivery.

I have been reading through this posting and would just like to say leeh I'm so sorry you had such a bad experience in turkey, I have been travelling to this country for about 16 years and never came across such bad reviews. Overall the turkish people will bend over backwards to help you with any problems you may have. true there are some bad hotels, as there are in other countries but please don't let one bad hotel put you off from going back. also to stardust, I read what you said about tc not using these hotels any more I have checked myself and found both hotels in the airtours and cosmos brochures for next year, do tc might not be selling them direct but they are still being sold through these 2 companies. good luck with your claim leeh

It's really pathetic that they're still selling these hotels, people who don't use the internet and read the reviews won't stand a chance and will be booking a holiday from hell

I am sending them a follow-up letter this evening, but does anyone know the best way to state we want adequate compensation?
Marybob - unfortunately I had a perception of Turkey beforehand, which has now been proved acurate, therefore there is no way I would go to Turkey again - even for free! It's a shame I feel like that, but I blame both Thomas Cook and the locals working in the hotel - they afterall know they are representing Turkey to other nations, and quite frankly, most of them were dirty, smelly rude individuals that wouldn't know "service" at any level!
Anyone considering Turkey - take my advice - stay at home! It made me realise how lucky we are in England after that holiday!

so sorry you feel that way leeh, and it's a shame you had to spend so much money on such a bad trip. I can't help you with advice on what to write for the compensation you require as I've never had to do so, I'm lucky in the fact I've never been on a holiday from hell. I agree about what stardust said in ta still advertising these hotels. they must have some duty of care for their future and existing customers, in sending them on a holiday they are not going enjoy. I mentioned in my last post they were still in airtours and cosmos brochures but its sunset and not cosmos
I will keep everyone updated with the outcome - if I don't get the desired response, then I will take it to a no win no fee solicitor - I am 100% behind this and convince they do not have a leg to stand on!
They usually offer vouchers first and then once turned down some form of refund but basically it's a case of just riding it out to see what figures they come up with aqnd how many offers they make.
I am going back a good few years here but I basically eventually got a quarter back of what I paid(total holiday cost incl flights) and by that point I was sick of it all anyway. My case was totally different though as TC changed my hotel at the last minute and basically the hotel and area were totally unsuitable for my family and nothing at all like the place I originally booked. The only thing that is similar to your case was that every customer that had been changed appeared to be complaining.
Thanks Stardust - I honestly want 50% at least! I have no hesitation in getting a solicitor involved. It was badddddddd!
Good luck Lee, that was a hell of an amount to pay for such a disgusting hotel. I really hope you get a good amount of compensation for what you had to put up with.
Question. Are the complaints genuine or are they coloured by what they had read/been told.
Reading this topic - http://www.holidaytruths.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=49&t=148096 - Steve posted a link to another site. If anyone followed that link they would see a report on the comments of the judge in a case about what had been posted on the internet by the person complaining.
Now I am not suggesting that the OP is not correct but I also think that the comments could, in certain circumstances, create problems if it should go to court. In that particular case the defendant tried to introduce comments the poster had made on the internet into evidence - the judge rejected them but was also critical of what had been posted. Everyone needs to be aware when posting, or suggesting what someone should say/do that it might not be of help. There is nothing to stop the other side suggesting that the complaints are coloured by what people have said and maybe the person complaining may actually have decided to go look for problems rather than with an open mind.
It is not only us that looks at what people say.
I understand where you are coming from - but surely, we cant ALL be wrong?
If there was no case to answer then that makes a complete mockery of the whole honest reviews promotion within a few holiday style sites.
No matter what anyone thinks the photos really do speak for themselves. My friend is pretty much traumatised by her experience at this hotel, she is not even claiming as in her words money won't change anything and she will never get that precious completely ruined holiday time back.
But Stardust, the more people that do complain over genuine problematic places like this might make a difference with the tour operator....? I have stayed at places before which were not as advertised and not complained because it was 'ok' but this place, really needs condemning... unless people complain, then tour operators will still sell it and more people will experience it...
Sadly not everyone has the fight in them or they have far bigger things to fight in their lives already but at least this time it appears that the operator does have many, many complaints being made about the place.
It is true and hopefully something will come out of it! I'll keep you posted!
Here's an update on our situation: After several letters back and forth, we are now in recent of an offer - I say offer, I should really say 'insult!'
I am currently writing my final reply, after which I ill instruct a lawyer - if anyone can recomend a good "no win-no fee" company - pls let me know!
More to follow!

Can't help with the solicitor I'm afraid. Why don't you take it to the 'smalls claims' court yourselves?

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