I just read the whole thread. I missed the start because we were in Spain and have only had occasional access for the last two weeks. It was an enjoyable read for me as we only have 12 days to go before we're there ourselves.
I don't think a day by day account of our trip would be particularly interesting. We hardly ever eat any fancy meals, only gamble if we want a cheap drink, and generally just chill. I might do a highlights post though.
Thanks again for posting your TR. Same goes for Lesley too.
Pebbles, I would LOVE to read your trip report. I am always curious to know how you spend 8 WEEKS in Vegas! If you don't want to do a daily blog, what about a weekly one!
As I said, we don't do much really. We just like being there. I started to do one about our last trip, but forgot half of it by the time I got around to it. I need to take more notes!

I take my net book...write it up daily in Microsoft Word then transfer it onto the forum about 2 or 3 times in the week....think I transferred it onto MSE at the airport on the way home
I'll try to do a mini version of the last trip before we leave. I'll be re-checking stuff ready for the next trip, so should come up with a bit of info.

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